
no legacy spells allowed


booming blade can be heard up to a mile and a half away

chill touch will change the alignment of a good or neutral spellcaster to evil because it does necrotic damage

elementalism can provide breathable air and water with the apposite uses

fire bolt will ignite flammable objects subjecting the spellcaster to an alignment change

friends will change a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic

green-flame blade will not work with a reach weapon outside of its 5 foot reach

gust of air can provide breathable air

infestation will change a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic because it does poison damage

magic hand the spellcaster it held responsible for any alignment breaches performed by the magic hand

message will change a lawful spellcaster to true and a true spellcaster to chaotic if it is used to send a secret message

minor illusion will change a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic when used for any purpose other than entitlement

poison spay will change a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic because it does poison damage

produce flame because the magic action used to hurl the flame is not a expending a spell slot it can be done in the same turn as the bonus action used to cast the spell

sacred flame cannot be used by an evil spellcaster because it causes radiant damage

sorcerous blast will change a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic if poison is used and the fire damage will catch flammable item on fire

starry wisp cannot be used by an evil spellcaster because it causes radiant damage

thunderclap can be heard up to a mile away

toll the dead will change the alignment of a good or neutral spellcaster to evil because it does necrotic damage

true strike radiant damage cannot be performed by evil creatures

vicious mockery will change a lawful spellcasters because the mockery is always less than honorable

word of radiance cannot be used by an evil spellcaster because it causes radiant damage

1st level

alarm a silent alarm will change a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic

arms of hadar will change the alignment of a good or neutral spellcaster to evil because it does necrotic damage

burning hands will ignite flammable objects subjecting the spellcaster to an alignment change

ceremony - atonement will automatically fail if the creature has not made actual atonement

ceremony - atonement often requires a quest and/or a geas to right the wrong to be accepted before the atonement can be successfully cast

ceremony - dedication a creature can benefit from this rite once a day

chaos bolt will change the alignment of a the spellcaster to chaotic

chromatic orb will change a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic because if it does poison damage

color spray acting against a blind opponent will make a lawful creature true and harming a blind opponent will make all creatures chaotic

compelled duel lawful creatures become true if they try to make this save, lawful and true creatures become chaotic if they make their save

comprehend language will change a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic because if it is used to eavesdrop or spy

distort value will hide the true worth of an item will make a lawful creature true, increasing the worth if an item will make a creature chaotic

detect evil or good has the ritual tag

disguise self used to make yourself nondescript changes a lawful creature to true and impersonating anyone makes you chaotic

divine favor cannot be used by an evil spellcaster because it causes radiant damage

divine smite cannot be used by an evil spellcaster because it causes radiant damage

fog cloud will change a lawful creature to true if used to escape and it will change a lawful and true to chaotic if used to gain a positional advantage

goodberry each berry provides one half-day's worth of rations but not water

guiding bolt cannot be used by an evil spellcaster because it causes radiant damage

inflict wounds will change the alignment of a good or neutral spellcaster to evil because it does necrotic damage

ray of sickness will change a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic because it does poison damage

searing smite does not require concentration

silent image when used for anything other than entertainment purposes it will change a lawful caster to true and it may change any caster to chaotic if used to fool others to gain an advantage

sleep putting a creature to sleep so you cab flee will make a lawful creature true, approaching or infiltrating past a sleeping opponent makes the creature chaotic, harming a sleeping creature makes the creature evil

snare there must be enough space for the creature to hang upside and three feet in the air

tasha's hideous laughter attacking a prone creature will make a lawful creature true, harming an incapacitated creature will make all creatures evil

thunderous smite can be heard 3 miles away

thunderwave can be heard 3 miles away

unseen servant used to do sneaky things will change the creatures alignment

wrathful smite will change the alignment of a good or neutral spellcaster to evil because it does necrotic damage

2nd level

alter self - change appearance will change the alignment of a lawful spellcaster to true, if used to impersonate someone or something specific if the spell will change the alignment of lawful or true spellcasters to chaotic

arcanist's magic aura makes the spellcaster chaotic as it is a lie

barkskin does not require concentration

beast sense does not require concentration

blur does not require concentration

branding smite does not require concentration, cannot be used by evil creatures because it does radiant damage

calm emotions does not require concentration

cloud of daggers does not require concentration

cordon of arrows the arrows can be recovered as normal

crown of madness does not require concentration, establishing or maintaining control over a target allows you to tell it where to move with a successful charisma (persuasion) check with advantage against its passive wisdom (insight) score if you can communicate with it because it is charmed and you can then determine the target it must attack, if it attacks before it moves it can't move

darkness does not require concentration

dragon's breath does not require concentration

earthbind does not require concentration

enhance ability does not require concentration

enlarge/reduce does not require concentration

flame blade does not require concentration

flaming sphere does not require concentration, can change a spellcasters alignment to true/neutral or even chaotic/evil unless used very carefully as the caster is held responsible for the damage any out of control fires cause

flock of familiars does not require concentration, if the caster has a familiar it will always be the last one killed regardless of what actually happens

gift of gab will change the caster's alignment to chaotic

gust of wind does not require concentration

healing spirit does not require concentration

heat metal does not require concentration

hold person does not require concentration

invisibility does not require concentration, will cause a lawful caster and target to become true unless used to infiltrate or to gain an advantage over an opponent then it will change a lawful or true creature's alignment to chaotic

jim's glowing coin will change the caster's alignment to chaotic if done for anything but entertainment

kinetic jaunt does not require concentration

knock used to open a lock you don't have legal reasons to open will change the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic

levitate does not require concentration

locate animal or plant and by animal they mean beast

locate object will detect the object out to 10,000 feet

magic mouth the words uttered are subject to the alignment rules on lying

magic weapon does not require concentration

mind spike does not require concentration

maximilian's earthen grasp does not require concentration

moonbeam cannot be used by an evil spellcaster because it does radiant damage

nathair's mischief does not require concentration, will change a spellcaster's alignment to chaotic

nystul's magic aura will change a lawful spellcaster's alignment to true if just used to hide and a lawful or true spellcaster's alignment to chaotic if used to infiltrate

pass without trace does not require concentration, will cause the caster and targets to become true unless the spell is used to infiltrate or gain an advantage over an opponent then lawful and true spellcasters become chaotic

phantasmal force does not require concentration

rope trick used to hide will cause the caster and targets to become true unless they used it to hide while infiltrating then you become chaotic

ray of enfeeblement does not require concentration

scorching ray will change a spellcasters alignment to true / neutral or chaotic / evil unless used very carefully as the caster is held responsible for the damage any out of control fires cause

shadow blade does not require concentration

silence does not require concentration

skywrite does not require concentration, the words uttered are subject to the alignment rules on lying

spider climb does not require concentration

spike growth does not require concentration

spiritual weapon lawful spellcasters must be identifiable by their weapon choice, true spellcasters don't have to be identifiable but if they try to impersonate someone or something else they become chaotic

suggestion does not require concentration, suggesting a less than honorable act makes a lawful spellcaster true, suggesting a chaotic act changes a lawful or true spellcaster's alignment to chaotic, the same for neutral or evil acts

summon beast the caster alignment may be changed based upon the summoned creature's actions, beasts are unaligned

warding wind does not require concentration

warp sense detects portals within 300 feet

web does not require concentration

wither and bloom will change the alignment of a good spellcaster to neutral because it does necrotic damage


animate dead changes a good spellcasters alignment to neutral, losing control of an undead the spellcaster animated changes its alignment to evil, the spellcaster's alignment may changed based upon the animated dead creature's actions, animated dead have the same alignment as the spellcaster until it loses control of the undead

ashardalon's stride does not require concentration, will change a spellcasters alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully as the caster is held responsible for the damage any out of control fires cause

aura of vitality does not require concentration

beacon of hope does not require concentration

bestow curse does not require concentration, turns a good spellcaster neutral as cursing creatures is not a good thing to do

blinding smite does not require concentration, cannot be cast by an evil creature because it does radiant damage

blink changes the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic because blinking in and out to gain advantage in combat it is a very chaotic thing to do

call lightning does not require concentration

clairvoyance changes the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic because using invisibility to spy is a very chaotic thing to do

conjure animals the caster alignment may changed based upon the summoned creatures' actions, beasts are usually unaligned

counterspell you can identify the spell being cast with an arcana check against the other caster's spell save as part of the same reaction that you use to cast the counterspell, if you decide not to cast the counterspell you still have used your reaction

create food and water normal food and water rules apply, so a creature needs one pound of food per half ration and four gallons of water per day in mild climates

crusader's mantle does not require concentration, cannot be cast by evil spellcasters or benefit evil creatures because it does radiant damage

elemental weapon does not require concentration

enemies abound does not require concentration, changes the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic

fast friends does not require concentration, will the caster's alignment to chaotic evil as the spell is seen as both fraud and coercion

fear does not require concentration

feign death will change a spellcasters alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully

fireball will change a spellcasters alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully as the caster is held responsible for the damage any out of control fires cause

flame arrows does not require concentration, will change a spellcasters alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully as the caster is held responsible for the damage any out of control fires cause

fly does not require concentration

galder's tower has a third floor with battlements

gaseous form does not require concentration

glyph of warning will change a spellcasters alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully, for example the caster is held responsible if the glyph harms an innocent especially a child

haste does not require concentration

hypnotic pattern does not require concentration, will change the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic and maybe worse as it is responsible for the incapacitated creature, the spell can be cast for entertainment purposes only changing a lawful caster to true

incite greed does not require concentration and changes a lawful and or good caster to true neutral as generating greed in a creature is neither good or lawful

intellect fortress does not require concentration

lightning arrow does not require concentration, ammunition may be loaded with the casting of this spell

magic circle does not require concentration, used to illegally or immorally trap a creature will cause an alignment change

major image will change a spellcasters alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully

meld into stone will change a spellcasters alignment to true if used to hide or chaotic if used to spy on or ambush a foe

melf's minute meteors does not require concentration

nondetection changes a lawful spellcaster's or target's alignment to true unless used to infiltrate then it changes to chaotic

protection from energy does not require concentration

sleet storm does not require concentration

slow does not require concentration

spirit guardians if it attacks an incapacitated creature a good spellcaster becomes true, if it attacks a surrendering victim then the spellcaster becomes chaotic, and if it attacks an unconscious victim the spellcaster becomes evil

spirit shroud does not require concentration, good spellcasters cannot pick necrotic damage and evil spellcasters cannot pick radiant damage

stinking cloud does not require concentration, will change lawful casters to true because it is poison

summon fey may change the caster's alignment based upon the summoned creatures' actions, the spellcaster can pick which chaotic alignment the fey are

summon lesser demons may change the caster's alignment based upon the summoned creatures' actions, demons are chaotic neutral

summon shadowspawn may change the caster's alignment based upon the summoned creatures' actions, terror shadowspawn are lawful evil, despair shadowspawn are neutral evil, fear shadowspawn are chaotic evil

summon undead may change the caster alignment may changed based upon the summoned creatures' actions, good casters always change to neutral, skeletal undead spirits are lawful evil, putrid undead spirits are neutral evil, ghostly undead spirits are chaotic undead

vampiric touch does not require concentration, will change a spellcaster's alignment to evil as this is considered cannibalism of a living creature

wall of sand does not require concentration

wall of water does not require concentration

wind wall does not require concentration


arcane eye will change a lawful spellcaster's alignment to true unless used to infiltrate or spy then it changes a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic

aura of life does not require concentration

aura of purity does not require concentration

banishment will change the caster's alignment based on it being unlawful imprisonment if appropriate

black tentacles does not require concentration

blight will change a good spellcaster to neutral because it does necrotic damage

charm monster may change the caster's alignment based on what is requested of the charmed

compulsion does not require concentration, may change the caster's alignment based on what is requested of the charmed

confusion does not require concentration, will change a spellcaster's alignment to chaotic

conjure minor elemental the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, the spellcaster choses which true alignment the summoned elementals have

conjure woodland beings the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, the spellcaster choses wich chaotic alignment the summoned fey have

divination true spellcasters should remember their gods don't have to give complete answers or even answer at all, chaotic spellcasters should remember their gods lie for reasons all their own

dimension door may change a spellcaster's alignment depending on how it is used, using it to teleport past guards for instance will make you true if lawful when trying to escape but chaotic if trying to infiltrate

dominate beast does not require concentration, the caster's alignment may change based on the commands it gives

elemental bane does not require concentration

evard's black tentacles

faithful hound will change the caster's alignment to chaotic if it attacks anyone since it is attacking while invisible

galder's speedy courier used to deliver items to prisoners or behind enemy lines will change your alignment

gate seal used to trap a creature may change the caster's alignment

greater invisibility will cause a lawful spellcaster and/or target to become true and a lawful or true spellcaster or target to become chaotic when used to hide from a lawful creature

giant insect does not require actual insects

grasping vine does not require concentration

greater invisibility does not require concentration, used to escape a foe will change a lawful caster and target to true and used to infiltrate or ambush a foe will make the caster and target chaotic

guardian of faith cannot be cast by an evil spellcaster because it does radiant damage

guardian of nature does not require concentration

hallucinatory terrain will change the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic unless done for entertainment of informational purposes

locate creature can locate creatures up to 10,000 feet away

mordenkainen's faithful hound has the ritual tag, will change the caster's alignment to chaotic if it attacks anyone since it is attacking while invisible

mordenkainen's private sanctum will change a lawful caster's alignment to true if the creatures in the area cannot be targeted by divination

otiluke's resilient sphere does not require concentration, may change the alignment of the caster based on the circumstances of its use

phantasmal killer does not require concentration, will change a lawful caster's alignment to true as sending a creature invisible to everyone but the target is not honorable

polymorph does not require concentration, you cannot cast polymorph on a dying creature, will change a lawful spellcaster's and a lawful willing target's alignment to true and a lawful or true spellcaster's and willing target's alignment to chaotic if it is to infiltrate or do harm, polymorphing a creature against its may change the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic

private sanctum will change a lawful caster's alignment to true if the creatures in the area cannot be targeted by divination

resilient sphere does not require concentration, may change the alignment of the caster based on the circumstances of its use

secret chest will change a lawful caster's alignment to true as hiding things on the ethereal plane is not honorable, if used to sneak equipment past guards it changes the caster's alignment to chaotic

shadow of moil does not require concentration, will change a lawful spellcaster's alignment to true as it obscures its identity, and will change a good spellcaster's alignment to neutral as it does necrotic damage

sickening radiance cannot be used by evil spellcasters as it does radiant damage, if it attacks an incapacitated creature a lawful spellcaster becomes true, if it attacks a surrendering victim then the spellcaster becomes chaotic and if it attacks an unconscious victim the spellcaster becomes evil ending the spell

spirit of death cannot be cast by a good caster because it does necrotic damage

staggering smite does not require concentration

stone skin does not require concentration

storm sphere if it attacks an incapacitated creature a lawful spellcaster becomes true, if it attacks a surrendering victim then the spellcaster becomes chaotic and if it attacks an unconscious victim the spellcaster becomes evil

summon aberration the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, a star spawn is lawful good, a slaad is neutral good, and a beholderkin is chaotic good

summon construct the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, construct spirits don't have an alignment

summon elemental the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, elemental spirits have the caster's choice of true alignments

summon greater demon the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, all demons are chaotic neutral

wall of fire if it attacks an incapacitated creature a lawful spellcaster becomes true, if it attacks a surrendering victim then the spellcaster becomes chaotic and if it attacks an unconscious victim the spellcaster becomes evil

watery sphere may cause an alignment change based on who is restrained and why, false imprisonment of innocent people is chaotic evil for instance


animate objects the spellcaster's alignment may change based on what it has the animated objects do

antilife shell does not require concentration

arcane hand does not require concentration

awaken may change the alignment based on what the awakened does while charmed

banishing strike does not require concentration but may change the alignment of the caster when used to falsely imprison a creature

bigby's hand does not require concentration

circle of power does not require concentration

cloudkill does not require concentration, cannot be used by lawful casters because it is poison based, if it attacks a surrendering victim then the spellcaster becomes chaotic and if it attacks an unconscious victim the spellcaster becomes evil

commune neutral spellcasters don't always get an answer from their neutral gods and this is not usually cast by chaotic spellcasters because their gods will lie

commune with nature in caves and other natural underground settings the range is 3,000 feet

conjure elemental the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, elementals will have the caster's choice of true alignments

contact other plane true entities can refuse to answer and a chaotic one can outright lie

contagion will change the alignment of a lawful caster to true and a good caster to neutral

control winds does not require concentration

danse macabre good spellcaster's become neutral, the spellcaster's alignment may change based on what it has the macabre do

dawn cannot be cast by evil spellcasters because it does radiant damage, if it attacks an incapacitated creature a lawful spellcaster becomes true, if it attacks a surrendering victim then the spellcaster becomes chaotic and if it attacks an unconscious victim the spellcaster becomes evil ending the spell

destructive wave good spellcasters must pick radiant and evil spellcasters must pick necrotic

dispel evil and good does not require concentration

dominate person the caster's alignment changes to chaotic if and fraud is used and evil as this is considered coercion unless very carefully controlled

dream will change the spellcaster's alignment based on what it does in the dream

enervation will change a good caster's alignment to neutral, the spell ends only if the target is out of range at the end of your move

far step does not require concentration, will change a lawful caster to true if used to avoid conflict or to move past an opponent, using it to ambush an opponent (like using far step to get behind an opponent and then attacking with advantage) changes your alignment to chaotic

geas can only be used by lawful spellcasters if the target agrees and choses to fail the first saving throw, a caster must also get the target's permission but it still gets the first saving throw, a spellcaster becomes chaotic if it casts geas on a creature against its will, voluntarily ending a geas you voluntarily accepted (regardless of whether you tried the saving throw) changes your alignment to chaotic

hold monster does not require concentration but may change your alignment for false imprisonment

holy weapon does not require concentration, cannot be cast by evil spellcasters or used by evil creatures as it does radiant damage

immolation does not require concentration

infernal calling the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, all devils are true neutral

insect plague does not require concentration, if it attacks an incapacitated creature a lawful spellcaster becomes true, if it attacks a surrendering victim then the spellcaster becomes chaotic and if it attacks an unconscious victim the spellcaster becomes evil ending the spell

maelstrom if it attacks an incapacitated creature a lawful spellcaster becomes true, if it attacks a surrendering victim then the spellcaster becomes chaotic and if it attacks an unconscious victim the spellcaster becomes evil ending the spell

mislead does not require concentration, changes a lawful spellcaster's alignment to true and a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic when it is used to infiltrate or gain an advantage in combat

modify memory changes the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic, if a creature volunteers its alignment also changes to chaotic, if a creature also voluntarily fails the saving throw neither remove curse or greater restoration will restore the creature's true memory often making it impossible to get forgiveness and change your alignment away from chaotic

negative energy flood will change a good spellcaster's alignment to neutral, the creature's base creature type must be undead to not need a saving throw, the damage healed by undead is not temporary, healing or creating uncontrolled undead changes the caster's alignment to evil

passwall changes the spellcaster's alignment to true when used to escape or chaotic when used to infiltrate

planer binding the spellcaster's alignment may change based on what the bound creature is and does while bound, celestials are the lawful alignment of the caster's choice, elementals are the true alignment of the caster's choice, fey are the chaotic alignment of the caster's choice, fiends are the neutral alignment of the caster's choice

rary's telepathic bond usually changes a lawful caster or target to true and both to chaotic when used to coordinate an ambush or infiltration

reincarnation uses an ever changing table that includes all player races and is responsible for more of the lineage race than were ever created unnaturally

scrying will change a lawful spellcaster or voluntary target to true and a lawful or true spellcaster to chaotic if the scrying is used to spy on a creature that didn't voluntarily fail its save or an area with creatures that did not volunteer or an area the caster is not allowed to be

seeming will change a lawful caster and willing target to true unless it is used to impersonate a particular creature or official role then it changes everyone to chaotic

skill empowerment does not require concentration

summon celestial the spellcaster's alignment my change based on what the summoned creatures do, defenders are lawful good, avengers are lawful neutral

summon draconic spirit the creature's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, chromatic draconic spirits are lawful, gem draconic spirits are true, and metallic draconic spirits are chaotic

swift quiver does not require concentration, can be used on the first turn it is cast, the attacks do normal base damage plus your bonus for extra attacks, this spell assumes you are also using your normal action to do the second of the two attacks, for the purposes of this spell a quiver is anything normally used to carry ammunition where it is available for use

telekinesis does not require concentration

telepathic bond usually changes a lawful caster or target to true and both to chaotic when used to coordinate an ambush or infiltration

tree stride does not require concentration, lawful casters become true if they use this spell to flee, or otherwise gain an advantage over a foe, all casters become chaotic if this is used to infiltrate an area or ambush a foe

wall of force does not require concentration, nothing - not physical objects, energy, or other spell effects can pass through the wall of force in or out, though a creature can still breath, the wall is immune to all damage (except disintegrate) and a creature on the other side of the wall cannot be damaged by attacks or effects originating from the other side

wall of light cannot be cast by evil spellcasters, if it attacks an incapacitated creature a lawful spellcaster becomes true, if it attacks a surrendering victim then the spellcaster becomes chaotic and if it attacks an unconscious victim the spellcaster becomes evil ending the spell

wall of stone does not require concentration but still becomes permanent if you maintain concentration

wrath of nature does not require concentration


arcane gates used to get around enemies changes a lawful user or user to true and when used to ambush enemies or infiltrate an area the caster or user becomes chaotic

blade barrier does not require concentration

circle of death changes a good spellcaster to neutral as it causes necrotic damage

conjure fey the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, the conjured fey are the chaotic alignment of the caster's choice

create homunculus creates a homunculus with the same alignment as you which does not change even if your alignment does

create undead changes a good spellcaster's alignment to neutral, losing control of an undead changes the caster's alignment to evil, the caster's alignment may changed based upon the animated dead creature's actions, animated dead have the same alignment as the spellcaster until it loses control of the undead

drawmij's instant summons changes a lawful caster and user to true as it is not honorable to have hidden objects available, when used to infiltrate an area you could not get with the item in the open the caster and user become chaotic, yes you can give the sapphire and item's name to someone else for them to summon the item

eyebite does not require concentration, using the sickened condition would change a lawful caster to true as it is considered a poison effect

find the path has the ritual tag

fizban's platinum shield does not require concentration

forbiddance good spellcasters must chose radiant damage and evil spellcasters must chose necrotic

globe of invulnerability does not require concentration

harm changes a good spellcaster's alignment to neutral and a lawful caster's alignment to true because it is a disease

heroes' feast counts as a full ration for all participants

instant summons changes a lawful caster and user to true as it is not honorable to have hidden objects available, when used to infiltrate an area you could not get with the item in the open the caster and user become chaotic, yes you can give the sapphire and item's name to someone else for them to summon the item

investiture of flame does not require concentration

investiture of ice does not require concentration

investiture of stone does not require concentration

investiture of wind does not require concentration

magic jar changes the caster's alignment to chaotic evil that becomes irrevocable if the victim dies

mass suggestion changes a spellcaster's alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully, for instance unless the suggestion is for the targets to do lawful things it will change the caster's alignment to true

mental prison does not require concentration, will change a spellcasters alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully

otto's irresistible dance does not require concentration, changes a lawful spellcaster to true

planar ally the spellcaster picks the alignment of the planar ally, the spellcaster's alignment may change based on the planar ally's actions

primal ward does not require concentration

programed illusion may change the spellcaster's alignment depending on the illusion created

scatter changes a lawful spellcaster to true and lawful or true spellcasters to chaotic if used in combat

soul cage changes a good or neutral spellcasters to evil if you use steal life, query soul, or borrow experience, and changes a spellcaster to chaotic evil if you use eyes of the dead

summon fiend the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, yugoloth are lawful neutral, devils are true neutral, demons are chaotic neutral

sunbeam does not require concentration, cannot be cast by an evil spellcaster

tasha's otherworldly guise does not require concentration, requires a object engraved with a symbol of the inner or outer planes, worth at least 500 gp to cast the appropriate plane version

tenser's transformation does not require concentration

wall of ice does not require concentration

wall of thorns does not require concentration

word of recall uses alignments and domains instead of deities, the temple must be currently dedicated to the same alignment or domain as the cleric


conjure celestial the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions, the celestial's alignment is determined by its type

crown of stars cannot be cast by evil spellcasters

delayed blast fireball does not require concentration, will change a spellcasters alignment to true/neutral or chaotic/evil unless used very carefully

draconic transformation does not require concentration

finger of death will change a good spellcaster's alignment to neutral because it does necrotic damage

fire storm will change a spellcasters alignment to true/neutral or chaotic/evil unless used very carefully

forcecage will change a spellcasters alignment to true/neutral or chaotic/evil unless used very carefully

mirage arcane will change a spellcasters alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully

mordenkainen's sword does not require concentration

plane shift false imprisonment will change the caster's alignment

project image will change a lawful spellcasters alignment to true if used to escape or a lawful or true spellcaster's alignment to chaotic if used to ambush, infiltrate, or spy

reverse gravity does not require concentration

symbol will change a spellcasters alignment to true / neutral or chaotic / evil unless used very carefully


abi-dalzim's horrid wilting will change a good spellcaster's alignment to neutral

animal shapes does not require concentration, will change a lawful spellcaster's and a target's alignment to true if used to escape and a lawful or true caster or target to chaotic if used to ambush, infiltrate, or spy

antipathy / sympathy will change a spellcasters alignment to true or chaotic unless used very carefully

control weather will change a spellcasters alignment to true/chaotic or neutral/evil unless used very carefully

demiplane will change a spellcasters alignment to true when used to hide

dominate monster will change a spellcasters alignment to chaotic evil

earthquake will change a spellcasters alignment to true/chaotic or neutral/evil unless used very carefully

feeblemind will change a spellcasters alignment to true/chaotic or neutral/evil unless used very carefully

glibness changes all spellcasters alignments to chaotic

holy aura does not require concentration, can only be cast by good spellcasters

illusory dragon good spellcasters choosing necrotic damage become neutral, any lawful spellcasters become you true

incendiary cloud does not require concentration

maddening darkness does not require concentration

maze will change a spellcasters alignment to true/chaotic unless used very carefully, does not require concentration

mind blank changes all spellcasters and targets to chaotic

sunburst cannot be cast by evil creature


blade of disaster does not require concentration

gate the caster's alignment may change based on the summoned creature's actions and the rules against unlawful imprisonment

imprisonment will change a spellcasters alignment to true/chaotic or neutral/evil unless used very carefully

invulnerability does not require concentration

mass polymorph you cannot cast polymorph on a dying creature, will change a lawful spellcaster's and a lawful willing target's alignment to true and a lawful or true spellcaster's and willing target's alignment to chaotic if it is to infiltrate or do harm, polymorphing a creature against its will changes the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic

meteor storm will change a spellcasters alignment to true/chaotic or neutral/evil unless used very carefully

prismatic wall will change a spellcasters alignment to true/chaotic or neutral/evil unless used very carefully

shapechange does not require concentration, if the spellcaster can be easily identified in someway (for instance heraldry) the caster can remain lawful, if it is obvious the spellcaster is shape changed in someway the spellcaster can remain true, if not the spellcaster becomes chaotic

true polymorph does not require concentration, when cast on a dying creature means the creature is still unconscious and dying, will change a lawful spellcaster's and a lawful willing target's alignment to true and a lawful or true spellcaster's and willing target's alignment to chaotic if it is to infiltrate or do harm, polymorphing a creature against its will changes the spellcaster's alignment to chaotic

weird does not require concentration, changes a lawful spellcaster's alignment to true

wish using wish to do something that only a wish can do that is listed in another spell does not cause stress, for example using a wish to end feeblemind or to bring back a body after a disintegrate does not cause stress

spells that require concentration



1st level

detect evil and good

detect magic

detect poison and disease

2nd level

detect thoughts

dust devil

locate object


summon beast

warp sense

3rd level


conjure animals

hunger of hadar

spirit guardians

summon fey

summon lesser demons

summon shadowspawn

summon undead

4th level

arcane eye


conjure minor elemental

conjure woodland beings

control water

dominate beast

evard's black tentacles

giant insect

locate creature

sickening radiance

spirit of death

storm sphere

summon aberration

summon construct

summon elemental

summon greater demon

wall of fire

watery sphere

5th level

animate objects

conjure elemental

danse macabre

dominate person


infernal calling

modify memory


summon celestial

summon draconic spirit

6th level

arcane gate

conjure fey

find the path

move earth

summon fiend

7th level

conjure elemental

project image

8th level

antimagic field

dominate beast


illusion dragon

9th level


mass polymorph

true polymorph