Physical Damage Save (Might)
This is used to save from taking Physical Wounds from Successful Attacks that do Physical Damage.
Your Physical Damage Save (Might) plus your Physical Armor minus the Physical Damage of the Successful Attack.
Success prevents all Effects.
First Failure: You must make a Physical Trauma (Body) Check
Each additional Success causes one additional Physical Wound
Physical Grapple Save (Might)
This Passive Check is used to Save from Physical Grapples.
Your Physical Grapple Save (Might) minus the Physical Grapple Total (the Grappler's Physical Grapple Bonus plus any extra Successes on the Grapple Attack).
Success frees you from the Grapple.
Failure does not free you from the Grapple but may be tried again at the beginning of your Turn for free if you can Physically Move except for the Grapple, otherwise it takes your action.
Strike (Quickness)
This is used to make close attacks. Those attacks can be either Direct,Indirect, or Grapple.
Strike (Quickness) minus the target's Dodge (Quickness).
For Direct Attacks:
Success causes the Attack's Damage to the Target requiring it to make the appropriate Damage Save.
Each Additional Success adds one to the Damage.
For Indirect Attacks
If the Successes are greater that the appropriate Armor then the Attack's Virulence is done to the Target requiring it to make the appropriate Virulence Save.
Extra Successes have no additional effect.
For Physical Grapples
Successes causes the Grappler's Grapple (Might) plus one per extra Success.
Chase (Quickness)
This is used to Catch or Intercept another Creature.
Chase (Quickness) minus Target's Flee (Quickness) and any other relevant Modifiers.
Failure means you don't Catch/Intercept the Target.
For Long Term Chases Failures are kept and must be overcome before you can catch the Target.
Touch (Quickness)
This is an active attempt to determine something with a Touch.
Touch (Quickness) minus the Difficulty and any other relevant Modifiers.
Success gives enough information to make a Knowledge Check to give answers.
Extra Successes adds to the Knowledge Check.
Smell/Palate (Quickness)
This is an active attempt to determine something by Smell/Palate.
Smell/Palate minu the Difficulty and any other relevant Modifiers.
Success gives enough information to make a Knowledge Check to give answers.
Extra Successes adds to the Knowledge Check.
Touch (Quickness)
This is an active attempt to determine something by Touch.
Touch (Quickness) minus the Difficulty.
Touch minu the Difficulty and any other relevant Modifiers.
Success gives enough information to make a Knowledge Check to give answers.
Extra Successes adds to the Knowledge Check.
Physical Healing (Body)
This is an Active Attempt to remove Physical (Fatigue) and Physical (Wounds) at the End of either a Short or Long Rest.
Physical Healing (Body) minus your Physical (Fatigue) and your Physical (Wounds) and any other relevant Modifiers.
At the end of a Short Rest each success removes one Physical (Fatigue).
At the end of a Long Rest each Success removes one Physical (Fatigue) any remaining Successes remove one Physical (Wound) each.
Physical Virulence Save (Body)
This is a Passive Check to prevent taking Physical (Wounds) from successful Physical Virulence Attacks.
Physical Virulence Save (Body) minus the Physical Virulence of the successful Physical Virulence Attack.
First Failure: You must make a Physical Trauma (Body) Check.
Each additional Success causes one additional Physical Wound.
Physical Survival Save (Body)minus
This is a Passive Check to resist the effects of the environment like heat or deprivation.
Physical Survival Save (Body)minus the Difficulty and any other relevant Modifiers.
First Failure: You must make a Physical Trauma (Body) Check.
Each additional Success causes one additional Physical Fatigue.
Physical Trauma Save (Body)
This is a Passive Check to resist the effects of taking Physical Fatigue or Physical Damage
Physical Trauma Save (Body) minus your Physical Fatigue and Physical Wounds, including any taken in the effect that caused this check.
One Failure: You are Physically Dazed
Two Failure: You are Physically Staggered
Three Failures: You are Physically Stunned
Four Failures: Physically Knocked Out
Five Failures: You are Physically Incapacitated
Six Failures: Physically Unconscious
Seven Failures: Physically Dying
Eight Failures: Physically Dead
Recall (Knowledge)
This is an Active Check, a Recall (Knowledge) Check is used to see if you can recall Knowledge. You cannot attempt a Recall (Knowledge) Check if you have no Knowledge of the thing being checked. For instance rou do not get a Recall (Knowledge) Check to determine what a script in a language you have never heard of says. Generally you can recheck every time the time has doubled.
Mental Damage Save (Knowledge)
This is used to save from taking Mental Wounds from Successful Attacks that do Mental Damage.
Your Mental Damage Save (Knowledge) plus your Mental Armor minus the Mental Damage of the Successful Attack.
Success prevents all Effects.
First Failure: You must make a Mental Trauma (Mind) Check
Each additional Success causes one additional Menta; Wound
Mental Grapple Save (Knowledge)
This Passive Check is used to Save from Mental Grapples.
Your Mental Grapple Save (Knowledge) minus the Mental Grapple Total (the Grappler's Mental Grapple Bonus plus any extra Successes on the Grapple Attack).
Success frees you from the Grapple.
Failure does not free you from the Grapple but may be tried again at the beginning of your Turn for free if you can Mentally Move except for the Gra[[le, otherwise it costs your action.
Know (Knowledge)
This this is considered an Active Check and adds to the Proficiency Points you have. You have 16 Prophecy Points, doubled for every level over 0 and halved for every level under 0.
Shoot (Wits)
This is used to make ranged attacks. Those attacks can be either Direct, Indirect, or Grapple.
Shoot (Wits minus the target's Duck (Wits).
For Direct Attacks:
Success causes the Attack's Damage to the Target requiring it to make the appropriate Damage Save.
Each Additional Success adds one to the Damage.
For Indirect Attacks
If the Successes are greater that the appropriate Armor then the Attack's Virulence is done to the Target requiring it to make the appropriate Virulence Save.
Extra Successes have no additional effect.
For Mental Grapples
Successes causes the Grappler's Grapple (Knowledge) plus one per extra Success.
Sneak (Wits) +1/8 per level
This adds to all Sneak (Wits) checks you make. Sneaking is trying to move in a stealthy manner.
Spot (Wits) +1/16 per level
This adds to all Spot (Wits) checks you make. Spot is an active attempt to determine something with your Vision.
Listen (Wits) +1/16 per level
This adds to all Listen (Wits) checks you make. Listen is an active attempt to determine something with your Hearing.
Passive Wits Uses +1/2 per level
This adds to all Passive Wits Uses including Duck (Wits), Hide (Wits), See (Wits), and Hear (Wits).
Duck (Wits) +1/4 per level
This subtracts from all checks made against you that must check against your Duck (Wits) like Shoot (Wits) checks.
Hide (Wits) +1/8 per level
This subtracts from all checks against you that must check against Hide (Wits) like Spot (Wits)
See (Wits) +1/16 per level
This subtracts from all checks made against you that must check against your See (Wits) like the use of Sneak (Wits) in plain sight.
Hear (Wits) +1/16 per level
This subtracts from all checks made against you that must check against your Hear (Wits) like the use of Sneak (Wits) to move quietly.
Mind +1 per level
Active Mind Uses +1/2 per level.
This is for all Active Mind Uses including Mental Virulence (Mind), Mental Endurance (Mind), and Mental Healing (Mind).
Virulence (Mind) +1/4 per level.
This adds to the Virulence (Mind) caused by indirect attacks based on your Virulence (Mind)
Mental Endurance (Mind) +1/8 per level.
This adds to you Mental Endurance (Mind) Check to resist the effects of mental exertion made by you.
Mental Healing (Mind) +1/8 per level.
This adds to your Mental Healing (Mind) checks to recover from Mental Wounds.
Passive Mind Uses +1/2 per level.
This is for all Passive Mind Uses including Mental Virulence Save (Mind), Mental Survival Save (Mind), and Mental Trauma Save (Mind).
Mental Virulence Save (Mind) +1/4 per level.
This add to your Mental Virulence Save (Mind) against Mental Virulence.
Mental Survival Save (Mind) +1/8 per level.
This adds to your Mental Survival Checks (Body) to resist the effects of the mental environment.
Mental Trauma Save (Mind) Save +1/8 per level.
This adds to your Mental Trauma Save (Mind) against Mental Trauma.
Aura +1 per level
Active Aura Uses +1/2 per level
This is for all Active Aura Uses including Damage (Aura), Grapple (Aura), and Recall Spirit (Aura).
Damage (Aura) +1/4 per level
This add to the Damage of successful attacks that do damage based on your Damage (Aura).
Grapple (Aura) +1/8 per level
This adds to the Successes of a successful Grapple based on Grappl (Aura).
Recall Spirit (Aura) +1/8 per level
This adds to a Recall Spirit (Aura) Check to see if you can recall your Spirit Knowledge. Generally you can recheck every time the time has doubled.
Passive Aura Uses +1/2 per level
This is for all Passive Aura Uses including Spiritual Damage Save (Aura), Spiritual Grapple Save (Aura), and Know Spirit (Aura)
Spiritual Damage save (Aura) +1/4 per level
This adds to your Spiritual Damage Save (Aura) against all Spiritual Damage.
Spiritual Grapple Save (Aura) +1/8 per level
This adds to your Spiritual Grapple Save (Aura) against all Spiritual Grapples.
Know Spirit (Aura) +1/8 per level
This adds to the Attunement Points you have. You have 16 Attunement Points, doubled for every level over 0 and halved for every level under 0.
Influence +1 per level
Active Influence Uses +1/2 per level
This adds to all Active Influence Uses including Spell (Influence), and Active Spirit Sense (Influence).
Spell (Influence) +1/4 per level
This adds to all Spell (Influence) checks you make, Spells are ranged combat attacks not affected by range modifiers.
Detect Spirit (Influence) +1/4 per level
This adds to all Detect Spirit (Influence) checks you make. Detect Spirit is an active attempt to determine Spiritual Activities with your Detect Spirit ability.
Passive Influence Uses +1/2 per level
This adds to all Passive Influence Uses including Dispel (Influence), and Sense Spirit (Influence).
Dispel (Influence) +1/4 per level
This subtracts from all checks made against you that must check against your Dispel (Influence) like Spell (Influence) checks.
Sense Spirit (Influence) +1/4 per level
This subtracts from all checks made against you that must check against your Sense Spirit (Influence) like the use of Spell (Influence) to cast spells subtly.
Soul +1 per level
Active Soul Uses +1/2 per level.
This is for all Active Soul Uses including Spiritual Virulence (Soul), Spiritual Endurance (Soul), and Spiritual Healing (Soul).
Spiritual Virulence (Soul) +1/4 per level.
This adds to the Virulence (Soul) caused by indirect attacks based on your Physical Virulence (Body)
Spiritual Endurance (Soul) +1/8 per level.
This adds to you Spiritual Endurance (Soul) Check to resist the effects of spiritual exertion made by you.
Spiritual Healing (Soul) +1/8 per level.
This adds to your Spiritual Healing (Soul) checks to recover from Spiritual Wounds.
Passive Soul Uses +1/2 per level.
This is for all Passive Soul Uses including Spiritual Virulence Save (Soul), Spiritual Survival Save (Soul), and Spiritual Trauma Save (Soul)
Spiritual Virulence Save (Soul) +1/4 per level.
This add to your Spiritual Virulence Save (Soul) against Spiritual Virulence.
Spiritual Survival Save (Soul) +1/8 per level.
This adds to your Spiritual Survival Checks (Soul) to resist the effects of the spiritual environment.
Spiritual Trauma Save (Soul) Save
This check is made every time you take Spiritual Trauma.
Your Spiritual Trauma Save (Soul) minus your current Spiritual Wounds and Spiritual Fatigue.