The rolled Traits are Body (Rating), Mind (Rating), Spirit (Rating).
The figured Traits are Creature (Rating), Mana (Rating), and Proficiency (Rating).
The circumstantial Attribute is Hits (Rating) and Spent (Rating).
The figured circumstantial Attribute is Action (Rating).
The picked trait is Species.
Creating a Creature involves determining these Traits and then picking Abilities, Equipment, Proficiencies, and Talents according to the rules in their sections.
Body (Rating)
Body encompasses the physical attributes of the Creature.
A Creature's Body (Rating) is found by rolling 3d6.
Body (Rating) limits what type and how much equipment the creature can Carry and use.
Mind (Rating)
Mind (Rating) encompasses the mental attributes of the Creature.
A Creature's Mind (Rating) is found by rolling 3d6.
Creature can have a number of Proficiencies and Talents combined equal to or less than its Mind (Rating).
A Proficiency allows the Creature to add its Proficiency to its Creature (Rating).
A Talent allows the creature to something it would not be able to do without it.
Spirit (Rating)
Spirit (Rating) encompasses the spiritual attributes of the Creature.
A Creature's Spirit (Rating) is found by rolling 3d6.
Creature can have a number of Normal, Extraordinary, and Supernatural Abilities combined equal to or less than its Spirit (Rating).
Normal Abilities are not Activated when used.
Extraordinary Abilities have to be Activated to be used.
Supernatural Abilities also cost the Creature a permanent Mana 1. Supernatural Abilities are not Activated when used.
Creature (Rating)
A Creature's Creature Rating is found by adding its Body (Rating), Mind (Rating), and Spirit (Rating) together and dividing by three.
{Body (Rating) + Mind (Rating) + Spirit (Rating)} / 3 = Creature (Rating)
Creature (Rating) is the maximum Hits (Rating) the Creature can take before becoming Inactive.
The Creature's Creature (Rating) minus its Hits (Rating) is its Action (Rating).
Creature (Rating) - Hits (Rating) = Action (Rating)
Mana (Rating)
A Creature's Mana (Rating) equals is Spirit (Rating) minus the number of Supernatural Abilities it has.
Mana 1 must be Spent to Activate a Extraordinary Ability.
Proficiency (Rating)
A Creature's Proficiency (Rating) is found by dividing its Creature (Rating) by 3.
Creature (Rating) / 3 = Proficiency (Rating)
A Creature's Proficiency (Rating) is added to the Creature's Action (Rating) when it is Proficient in the Challenge.
Hits (Rating)
A Creature's Hit's (Rating) is the combined Hit's (Rating) of all the Hits (Rating) it has taken.
A Hits (Rating) is a Damage (Rating) modified by Resistances and Vulnerabilities.
A Creature's Hits (Rating) is reduced by Healing.
Spent (Rating)
A Creature's Spent (Rating) is equal to the total number of Mana (Rating) the Creature has Spent Activating an Extraordinary Power.
A Creature with a Spent (Rating) equal to or Higher that its Mana (Rating) cannot spend Mana to Activate an Extraordinary Power.
A Creature's Spent (Rating) is reduced by Recovery.
Action (Rating)
A Creature's Action (Rating) equals it's Creature (Rating) plus its Proficiency (Rating) its minus it's Hits (Rating).
A Creature can be one of Four Species a Humanoid, a Monstrous Humanoid, a Magical Beast, or a Beast.
Humanoids are the standard expected Species having no flaws or bonuses.
Monstrous Humanoids have the Can't Speak Supernatural Flaw allowing them to pick 1 Supernatural Ability for free.
Magical Beasts have the No Tools Supernatural Flaw allowing them to pick 1 Supernatural Ability for free.
Beasts have the Can't Speak and No Tools Supernatural Flaw allowing them to pick 2 Supernatural Abilities for free.