alignments are detectable with the detect evil or good spell
lawful aligned creatures show and are treated as a celestial
true aligned creatures show and are treated as an elemental
chaotic aligned creatures show and are treated as a fey
good aligned creatures show and are treated as an aberration
neutral creatures show and are treated as an fiend
evil creatures show and are treated as an undead
lawful good creatures show as a celestial aberration
lawful neutral creatures show as a celestial fiend
lawful evil creatures show as a celestial undead
true good creatures show as an elemental aberration
true neutral creatures show as an elemental fiend
true good creatures show as a elemental undead
chaotic good creatures show as a fey aberration
chaotic neutral creatures show as a fey fiend
chaotic evil creatures show as a fey undead
this has the effect of giving every creature up to two additional creature types based on its alignment
if an effect works on one of the creature's types it works on that creature
for example if you are both a humanoid and an aberration hold person works on you since the spell works on humanoids
for the temple of the gods spell which opposes certain creature types you must save once for each creature type opposed
alignment changes
alignments can and do change based on actions
lawful can change to true or chaotic
true can change to chaotic
good can change to neutral or evil
neutral can change to evil
when a creature declares an action that would change its alignment the judge will warn it
a creature that still chooses to do the action has it resolved as normal and the creature's alignment changes
if the creature chooses to not do the action it loses its action that round as its better nature takes hold
outside of combat the character noticeably stops and goes quiet
every creature starts as the alignment of its choice
sable's law dictionary
adultery is when a married creature has consensual sexual contact with or sexually assaults someone they are not married to
adultery changes a lawful creature's alignment to true unless it was done without permission then it changes to chaotic
adultery is considered prima facia consent to divorce unless formally forgiven (consensual sex after learning of the adultery is considered forgiveness)
ambushing others
ambushing a sapient creature changes your alignment to chaotic
attacking a creature you have surprised or from a hidden position is considered an ambush
a creature that fights on the same side as someone that ambushed the creatures on the other side has also broken this law and becomes chaotic
attacking first
is defined as doing anything that causes everyone to roll initiative even if you don’t go first in the initiative order
this includes casting a spells
this includes moving to within your speed of an opponent (get consent first, not enforced in settlements you have consent to enter)
this includes drawing a weapon (seriously, don’t walk around with your weapons at the ready unless you want combat, be careful with ranged weapons even when hunting as every encounter starts at hostile if your ranged weapon is out)
this includes using an action, even a ready action is obvious and triggers a initiative roll
attacking first automatically ends all claims of self-defense
this does not apply when used against targets that do not consent to surrender when given the chance to surrender
is a gift bestowed to gain consent
payment for goods are services rendered are not bribes as long as they follow prevailing wage and price guidelines
bonuses and gifts don’t count as a bribe as long as there is no quid pro quo
will change a good creature’s alignment to neutral whether giving or receiving the bribe
it will change a lawful creature’s alignment to true, if it has lied about it will change the creature's alignment to chaotic
a creature that uses bribery to have a creature do something that would change the bribed creature's alignment to true also changes its alignment to true
a creature that uses bribery to have a creature doing something that would change the bribed creature's alignment to chaotic also changes its alignment to chaotic
a creature learning or knowing a bribe was paid on its behalf by a creature it continues to call an ally is enough to change its alignment
is eating the flesh, drinking the blood, or otherwise consuming the life essence, of a sentient creature
cannibalism done in self-defense with a racial ability is not punished
cannibalism done in self-defense or used to prevent taking exhaustion from hunger because there is nothing else to eat changes a good creature's alignment to neutral
cannibalism used for any other reason changes your alignment to evil
a dragon or a dragonborn never have their alignment change because of cannibalism but will have their alignment changed for the harm cause if any, which may explain why so few of their kind end up as undead because they are usually ritualistically eaten at death
just because dragon kin don't change alignment because of cannibalism doesn't mean other's are not hostile to the practice or that the draconic don't know other's find it offensive
causing fire damage
that gets out of control will change a lawful or true creature's alignment to chaotic
good creatures must help the needy or their alignment will change to neutral
most of the time help can be as little as getting the needy to a temple with the same alignment as the needy person
yes, this also means no one that can reach a temple of their alignment on their own is ever truly needy so in a great city and most other communities no one is ever technically needy despite the fact that neutrally aligned creatures can be suffering great deprivation and evil aligned creatures are literally dying of disease, hunger, and exposure in the unholy gardens behind their chaotic evil temples everywhere
lawful and true temples must provide housing equal to the lower of their or the needy creature's lifestyle or the temple's with lawful temples being willing to extend credit
good and neutral temples must provide food equal to the lower of their or the needy creature's lifestyle with good temples being willing to extend credit
consent is often required for all sorts of activities with other sapient creatures
lawful good creatures must establish consent with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and without bribery, or coercion
lawful neutral creatures must establish consent with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and possibly bribery but without coercion
lawful evil creatures must establish consent with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth plus possibly bribery, coercion, or some combination of the three
true good creatures must establish consent without bribery, coercion, or fraud
true neutral creatures can establish consent with bribery but not with coercion or fraud
true evil creatures can establish consent with bribery, and/or coercion, but not fraud
chaotic good creatures can establish consent with fraud but not with bribery or coercion
chaotic neutral creatures can establish consent with bribery and/or fraud but not coercion
chaotic evil creatures can establish consent through coercion, bribery, fraud or any combination of the three
a creature's alignment will change based on how it attempts to establish consent weather it is successful or not
threatening to do harm or doing harm to force a behavior or consent
coercion changes your a creature's alignment to evil
coercion used to get a creature to do something that would change its alignment to true changes your alignment to true
coercion used to get a creature to do something that would change its alignment to chaotic creature changes your alignment to chaotic
knowing coercion was performed on your behalf is enough to change your alignment if you stay an ally
creating undead
a good creature that creates an undead has its alignment changed to neutral
a creature that loses control of the undead it created changes its alignment to evil
if a created undead does something evil the spellcaster that created it becomes evil as well
a lawful creature that conceals its identity changes its alignment to true unless the identity change is used to infiltrate then it changes its alignment to chaotic
a creature disguising itself as a specific someone or something else (like a town guardsman or the mayor) changes its alignment to chaotic
lawful creatures rely on heraldry when in armor to prevent this alignment change
all classes and subclasses are required to display identifying badges
failing to display your class and subclass makes you true
lying about your class and subclass obviously makes you chaotic
requires the consent of the one being divorced
committing adultery, spousal abuse, and or spousal abandonment are all considered consent
if there are more than the two in the marriage the others must pick a side or divorce everyone involved
assets are divided with adults getting two shares and each dependent under thirteen getting one share
guardianship of the dependents goes to lawful guardians first, true guardians second and chaotic guardians last with biological parents getting priority over adopted parents, and mothers over fathers
is any deception used to get consent
using a spell, like the various charm, illusion, or shape changing spells to get consent is also considered fraud
a charm spell that requires a social skill roll is considered fraud, an charm spell that does not require a skill roll is considered coercion
honorable combat
must be consented to
honorable combat is a duel where the creatures start 30 feet apart with no active magic spells on either opponent at the beginning of the combat
a creature interfering in an honorable combat changes its alignment to chaotic
interfering includes getting inside the 30 foot circle the combatants started with
continuing to fight your opponent in an honorable combat that has been interfered with also changes your alignment
lawful creatures refusing honorable combat change their alignment to true
minors, non-fighters, and true creatures can and often do appoint champions
chaotic characters could care less about honorable combat or its rules unless it gives them an advantage somehow
everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a divine trial
no one traveling at a normal pace to a divine trial can be arrested for that trial
a lawful creature must set out immediately after its first long rest after being informed of the order to appear
a true creature cannot resist arrest but doesn't have to appear on its own
a chaotic creature believes no one can judge it and often resists arrest
incapacitated opponents
attacking an incapacitated opponent will change a creature's alignment to true
indentured servant
any creature that is not free is an indentured servant
a creature's freedom can be taken away because of debts, crimes, or capture in war
by divine law sentient creatures cannot be born into indentured servitude
criminal slaves must work off their debt with the fine for their crimes being the debt owed
enemies in war must work off three years of their current lifestyle or seven years of their current lifestyle if they were an enemy combatant
an enemy combatant is anyone that has not had a long rest since fighting so it is common to negotiate a surrender for sometime after a long rest
indentured servants must be paid their prevailing wages with which they can pay their lifestyle costs, tithes and offerings
what the indentured servant returns to its master is used to pay off its debt
it is not unknown for some indentured servants to die before that time or to just never pay their debt off
indentured servants that refuse or shirk work can be paid less or have their pay withheld all together
lawful indentured servants will not try to escape or shirk their duties as long as they are treated well
true indentured servants will not try to escape from their duties as long as they are treated well
is the taking of another sentient creature's property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner of that property
it is assumed that the property was borrowed if no one is there to ask unless or until other mitigating factors arise such as refusing to return the property when asked, trying to sell the property, or allowing the property to be stolen, lost, or destroyed
taking another creature's property is not larceny if the creature gives its consent
will change a creature's alignment to chaotic
can be between two or more creatures but all creature's involved must give their consent to enter the marriage with every other creature involved
murder and manslaughter
the alignment changes are under coercion
murder requires the creature pay seven years of the victim's lifestyle
manslaughter requires the creature to pay three years of the victim's lifestyle
unintentional manslaughter requires the creature to pay one year of the victim's lifestyle
is defined as any sapient creature lacking anything that would cause suffering
most notably food, or water, and shelter in hostile environments
this may also include the need for various cures and restoratives as well depending on the circumstances
a creature in harm's way is considered needy
a good creature not helping the needy changes its alignment to true
a lawful creature not helping the needy changes its alignment to neutral
none of the above apply to the needy that refuses the help
on temple day each week good creatures must pay two day's lifestyle to their temple and neutral creatures must pay one day's lifestyle
failure to do so at your first opportunity changes your alignment
offerings go to help the needy
needy good creatures can always get food at a good temple appropriate to their lifestyle when possible for one week plus one week per rank
needy good and neutral characters can always get food at a neutral temple appropriate to their lifestyle when possible for one day plus one day per rank
good creatures pay the listed costs for spells at good temples
good and neutral creatures pay two times the listed costs for spells at neutral temples
all creatures pay three times the listed costs for spells at evil temples
is often requested verbally or with a white flag
refusing to parley will change a lawful creature’s alignment to true
a parley that is used to gain an advantage over an opponent will change a lawful or true creature's alignment to chaotic
such things as rearranging the positions of the combatants, casting spells on the combatants and so on count as trying to use the parley to gain an advantage, such actions automatically end the parley
a parley is commonly refused verbally or by shooting close to the one requesting the parley but not actually at it until its next turn unless the creature is obviously using the request to gain some advantage for itself or its side then shooting at it is common and usually happens on the second attempt to call a parley in the same fight
personal property
is the possessions a creature personally owns and takes care of
a boat, a herd, or a steading is personal property if you personally take care of it with no more than help from its family
yes, adoption is often used to grab and control as much as possible
mounts and personal vehicles as well as the arms, armor, magical foci, and other magical items you regularly use on an adventure are personal property
taking another creature's property that is not personal changes your alignment to neutral
taking another creature's personal property changes your alignment to evil
prevailing wages
are what a particular job pays
a standard workday is ten hours
to work twelve hours costs one-third more
to work fourteen hours costs two-thirds more
to work sixteen hours costs twice as much
requiring a worker to work more than fourteen hours changes a good employer's alignment to neutral
requiring a worker to work more than sixteen hours changes any employer's alignment to evil
creatures that don't pay prevailing wages change their alignment to chaotic
ranged attacks
against targets while outside of the range of their prepared ranged attacks changes your alignment to true
a creature that is close enough to move and attack you is never considered out of range
fleeing creatures that cannot see you have no ranged attacks
resisting arrest
changes the creature's alignment to chaotic as does assisting anyone else in resisting arrest
any creature that can understand a language is considered sapient
sexual assault
is any sexual contact without consent
lawful creatures must be married to each other to give consent for sex
is a lawful reason for causing harm or even killing
self defense includes the defense of self or others that qualify for the self-defense claim
attacking first is not self defense unless the opponent refused an opportunity to surrender
lawful, true, good, and neutral creatures can have their alignment changed because of the actions of their party
one way to prevent this is to shun the offending party members
from the time of the shunning on the two creatures are no longer allies and all abilities, effects, or spells are cast on the other as if they are not allies until the offending creature makes restitution
treating the shunned creature as an ally changes the creature's alignment
using stealth and hiding used against a sapient creature changes a lawful creature's alignment to true
stealth and hiding used to infiltrate, ambush, or gain an advantage against an opponent changes a creature's alignment to chaotic
this also applies to invisibility, and illusions
surrendering opponents
attacking a surrendering opponent will change your alignment to chaotic
this also applies if you are part of a group that attacks surrendering opponents
attacking a surrendering opponent is never considered self-defense no matter what happened before the creature tried to surrender
temple trials
everyone is allowed a temple trial
the temple chosen is determined by the alignment of the litigants
in mixed alignment lawsuits the following order is followed: lawful over true over chaotic while simultaneously respecting good over neutral over evil
this can mean a case falls in to a temple court that is not either of the litigants alignments
court costs are paid by the losing litigant which includes a detect evil and good spell as well as any other spells the judge decides are necessary
court costs don't include arbiters fees unless so ordered
lawful creatures must tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth or their alignment changes to true
true creatures don't have to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but if they actually lie their alignment changes to chaotic
chaotic creatures can lie like rugs
on temple day each week lawful creatures must pay two day's lifestyle to their temple and true creatures must pay one day's lifestyle
failure to do so at your first opportunity will change your alignment
tithes support the temple and its staff as well as lodging for the faithful
lawful temples always provide housing to the best of their ability for one week plus one week per rank to the needy
true temples always provide housing to the best of their ability for one day plus one day per rank to the needy
lawful creatures pay 1cp + 1cp per spell level for spells (plus the cost of any expendable components) at lawful temples
lawful and neutral creatures pay 1sp + 1sp per spell level for spells (plus twice the cost of any expendable materials) at neutral temples
all creatures pay 1gp + 1gp per spell level per spell for spells (plus thrice the costs of any expendable materials) at chaotic temples
is covered under coercion
unconscious opponents
are treated as if they surrendered
attacking an unconscious opponent will change a creature's alignment to evil
using poison
will change a lawful or true creature’s alignment to chaotic, this does not apply to a creature with a racial poison damage ability when they use that ability
this also applies to the use of biological weapons