potion costs
rarity price
common, minor 15sp
common, major 25sp
uncommon, minor 6gp
uncommon, major 16gp
rare, minor 51gp
rare, major 151gp
very rare, minor 501gp
very rare, major 1,501gp
legendary, minor 5,001gp
legendary, major 15,001gp
artifact, minor 50,001gp
artifact, major 150,001gp
vial, already added to the above price +1gp
expendable components +their costs
healing potions
k62's potion to spare the dying 15sp
k62's potion of healing, 1st Level 25sp
k62's potion of healing, 2nd Level 6gp
k62's potion of healing, 3rd Level 16gp
k62's potion of healing, 4th Level 51gp
k62's potion of healing, 5th Level 151gp
k62's potion of healing, 6th level 501gp
k62's potion of healing, 7th Level 1,501gp
k62's potion of healing, 8th Level 5,001gp
k62's potion of healing, 9th Level 15,001gp
common, minor potions
k62's potion of encode thoughts 15sp
k62's potion of guidance 15sp
k62's potion of message 15sp
k62's potion of resistance 15sp
k62's potion of true strike 15sp
potion of watchful rest 15sp
common, major potions
potion of animal friendship 25sp
potion of climbing 25sp
potion of comprehension 25sp
uncommon, minor potion
bottled breath 6gp
blood of the lycanthrope antidote 6gp
mummy rot antidote 6gp
potion of diminution 6gp
potion of growth 6gp
potion of invisibility 6gp
potion of mind reading 6gp
potion of resistance 6gp
thessaltoxin antidote 6gp
uncommon, major potion
philter of love 16gp
potion of advantage 16gp
potion of clairvoyance 16gp
potion of fire breath 16gp
potion of gaseous form 16gp
potion of hill giant strength 16gp
potion of poison 16gp
potion of speed 16gp
potion of water breathing 16gp
rare, minor potion
oil of etherealness 51gp
potion of aqueous form 51gp
potion of heroism 51gp
potion of frost giant strength 51gp
potion of mind control (beast) 51gp
rare, major potion
potion of stone giant strength 151gp
potion of invulnerability 151gp
potion of maximum power 151gp
potion of mind control (humanoid) 151gp
very rare, minor potion
oil of sharpness 501gp
potion of flying 501gp
potion of fire giant strength 501gp
potion of possibility 501gp
potion of vitality 601gp
very rare, major potion
potion of cloud giant strength 1,501gp
oil of slipperiness 1,501gp
elixir of health 1,501gp
potion of longevity 1,501gp
legendary, minor potion
potion of giant size 5,001gp
potion of storm giant strength 5,001gp
potion of mind control (monster) 5,001gp
legendary, major potion
potion of dragon's majesty 15,001gp
artifact, minor potion
artifact, major potion