A Proficiency adds the Creature's Proficiency (Rating) to a Roll! relating to that Proficiency.
For Example: When a Creature that has Light Striking Weapon Proficiency is using a Light Striking Weapon to Strike! it can add its Proficiency (Rating) to that Strike!.
A Creature's Proficiency (Rating) can only be added once to a particular Roll!.
For Example: When a Creature that has Light Striking Weapon Proficiency is using a Light Striking Weapon to Strike! and while Riding with the Riding Strike! Proficiency it can add its Proficiency (Rating) to that particular Strike! only once.
A Creature's Proficiency (Rating) can't be added to a particular Roll! if it is missing a needed Proficiency.
For Example: When a Creature that has Light Striking Weapon Proficiency is using a Light Striking Weapon to Strike! while Riding without the Riding Strike! Proficiency it can't add its Proficiency (Rating) to that particular Strike!.
A Creature can learn a number of Proficiencies equal to its Mind (Rating).
For Example: A Creature with Mind 9 can learn 9 Proficiencies.
If a Proficiency has Perquisite listed in its discerption a Creature cannot learn that Proficiency unless it also has the Perquisite.
For Example: Medium Armor Proficiency has a Perquisite of Light Armor Proficiency, a Creature cannot learn Medium Armor Proficiency until it learns Light Armor Proficiency.
A Perquisite can be a Ability, Creature Type, Proficiency, or something else.
For Example: Body 12 (an Ability) or Beast (Creature Type) or Riding (a Proficiency) or Artic Creature (something else) can all be Perquisites.
If a Proficiency has Required listed in its discerption the Proficiency Bonus cannot be used if the Creature does not have the Required Proficiency.
For Example: A Creature using the Decipher Proficiency Proficiency cannot add its Proficiency (Rating) if it doesn't have the correct Speak Language Proficiency.
If a Proficiency has Trained Only listed in its discerption a creature cannot use the Proficiency in a Challenge with out the
For Example: A Creature cannot Cast! with out at least Caster Proficiency.
Large Shield Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient can equip and Appraise! a large shield. When a Creature has a large shield equipped the Large Shield Proficiency becomes Required for all other Proficiencies.
Light Armor Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to wear and Appraise! light armor. When a Creature wears light armor the Light Armor Proficiency becomes Required for all other Proficiencies.
Light Shooting Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to Shoot! and Appraise! light shooting weapons.
Light Striking Weapon Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to Strike! with and Appraise! light striking weapons. Light striking weapons balanced for throwing also Require the Thrown Weapons Proficiency for Shoot! and Appraise!
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Perquisites: Medium Armor Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to wear and Appraise! heavy armor. When a Creature wears heavy armor the Heavy Armor Proficiency becomes Required for all other Proficiencies.
Heavy Shooting Proficiency
Perquisites: Medium Shooting Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to Shoot! and Appraise! heavy shooting weapons.
Heavy Striking Proficiency
Perquisites: Medium Striking Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to Strike! with and Appraise! heavy striking weapons.
Small Shield Proficiency
Perquisites: Large Shield Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient can equip and Appraise! a small shield. When a Creature has a small shield equipped the Small Shield Proficiency becomes Required for all other Proficiencies.
Major Cast Proficiency
Perquisites: Minor Cast Proficiency
This allows the Creature to Cast! spells with 2/3 of its Spirit.
Master Cast Proficiency
Perquisites: Major Cast Proficiency
This allows the Creature to Cast! spells with its full Spirit.
Medium Armor Proficiency
Perquisites: Light Armor Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to wear and Appraise! medium armor. When a Creature wears medium armor the Medium Armor Proficiency becomes Required for all other Proficiencies.
Medium Shooting Proficiency
Perquisites: Light Shooting Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to Shoot! and Appraise! medium shooting weapons.
Medium Striking Proficiency
Perquisites: Light Striking Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to Strike! with and Appraise! medium striking weapons. Medium striking weapons balanced for throwing also Require the Thrown Weapons Proficiency for Shoot! and Appraise!.
Minor Cast Proficiency
This allows the Creature to Cast! spells with 1/3 of its Spirit.
Riding Proficiency
This allows the Creature to Ride! and Appraise! riding beasts and magical beasts. When a Creature is riding the Riding Proficiency becomes Required for all other Proficiencies.
Riding Shoot! Proficiency
Perquisites: Riding
This allows the Creature to Shoot! when Riding. When a Creature is trying to Shoot! while riding the Riding Shoot! Proficiency becomes Required.
Riding Spell! Proficiency
Perquisites: Riding
This allows the Creature to Spell! when Riding. When a Creature is trying to Spell! while riding the Riding Spell! Proficiency becomes Required.
Riding Strike! Proficiency
Perquisites: Riding
This allows the Creature to Strike! when Riding. When a Creature is trying to Strike! while riding the Riding Strike! Proficiency becomes Required.
Thrown Weapon Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to Shoot! and Appraise! thrown weapons. The Appraise! only applies to weapons that can only be thrown and can't be used to strike.
Unarmed Combat Proficiency
The Creature is Proficient in how to Strike! when unarmed.
Skills are a category of Proficiencies.
Animal Handling
Craft (Subskill)
You are skilled in the creation of a specific group of items, based on your Subskill. Craft is actually a number of separate subskills.
Alchemy, Armor and Shields, Baskets, Blacksmith, Boats, Books, Bows, Calligraphy, Candles, Cloth, Clothing, Crossbows, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Locks, Painting, Pottery, Sculptures, Ships (pre: Boats), Shoes, Smelting, Soap, Stonemasonry, Traps (also requires the skill with the materials used), and Weapons (Melee)
Challenge: You can practice your trade and make a decent living, earning half your Mind in copper pieces per hour of dedicated work. You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to perform the craft's daily tasks, how to supervise untrained helpers, and how to handle common problems. (Untrained laborers and assistants earn an average of half their mind in copper per hour. A creature can supervise only 1 assistant.)
To determine how much time and money it takes to make an item, follow these steps.
1. Find the item's price in silver pieces (1gp = 100sp = 10,000cp).
2. Pay 1/3 of the item's price for the raw material cost.
3. Craft 1/3 of the item's price based on crafting Mind in Copper per Hour (1/2 that for Untrained Help).
Progress by the Day: You can make progress by the day instead of by the hour. In this case your progress should be multiplied by the number of hours in a day.
Repair Items: The cost of repairing an item is one-fifth of the item's price.
Beast Handler
Trained Only
Perquisite: Hide
Deception (Bluff)
Disarm Traps
You are skilled at disarming traps and opening locks. In addition, this skill lets you sabotage simple mechanical devices, such as catapults, wagon wheels, and doors.
Check: When disarming a trap or other device, the Disable Device check is made secretly, so that you don't necessarily know whether you've succeeded.
The DC depends on how tricky the device is. If the check succeeds, you disable the device. If it fails by 4 or less, you have failed but can try again. If you fail by 5 or more, something goes wrong. If the device is a trap, you trigger it. If you're attempting some sort of sabotage, you think the device is disabled, but it still works normally.
You also can rig simple devices such as saddles or wagon wheels to work normally for a while and then fail or fall off some time later (usually after 1d4 rounds or minutes of use).
Device Time Disable Device DC* Example
Simple 1 round 10 Jam a lock
Tricky1d4 rounds15Sabotage a wagon wheel
Difficult2d4 rounds20Disarm a trap, reset a trap
Extreme2d4 rounds25Disarm a complex trap, cleverly sabotage a clockwork device
* If you attempt to leave behind no trace of your tampering, add 5 to the DC.
Lock QualityDisable Device DCSimple20Average25Good30Superior40
Open Locks: The DC for opening a lock depends on its quality. If you do not have a set of thieves' tools, these DCs increase by 10.
Action: The amount of time needed to make a Disable Device check depends on the task, as noted above. Disabling a simple device takes 1 round and is a full-round action. A tricky or difficult device requires 1d4 or 2d4 rounds. Attempting to open a lock is a full-round action.
Try Again: Varies. You can retry checks made to disable traps if you miss the check by 4 or less. You can retry checks made to open locks.
Special: If you have the Deft Hands feat, you get a bonus on Disable Device checks (see Feats).
A rogue who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more can study the trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it without disarming it. A rogue can rig a trap so her allies can bypass it as well.
Restriction: Characters with the trapfinding ability (like rogues) can disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
The spells fire trap, glyph of warding, symbol, and teleportation circle also create traps that a rogue can disarm with a successful Disable Device check. Spike growth and spike stones, however, create magic hazards against which Disable Device checks do not succeed. See the individual spell descriptions for details.
This allows a Creature to create a Disguise as well as Spot! (along with Perception) a Disguise in Use.
A Creature must take a Spot! action to Roll! to see through a Disguise, Success allows the Creature to know the Disguise exists but it does not allowing the Creature to correctly identity the one that is wearing the Disguise. A Creature must have a reason to be suspicious before it will attempt a Spot! Roll!.
Trying to disguise your self as a different gender, species, age, size, or as a specific individual each cause a Penalty.
The Creature trying to Spot! a Disguised Creature that is impersonating another Creature must recognize by sight the creature being impersonated to get a Spot! Roll!. The Creature gets a Bonus on the Spot! Roll for each that applies: if it is an associate of the Creature impersonated, if it is a friend of the Creature impersonated, if it is intimate with the Creature impersonated.
Disguise Voice
This allows a Creature to use Disguise Voice as well as Spot! (along with Perception) Disguise Voice Use.
A Creature must take a Hear! action to Roll! to hear through a use of Disguise Voice, Success allows the Creature to know the Disguise Voice exists but it does not allowing the Creature to correctly identity the one that is using the Disguise Voice. A Creature must have a reason to be suspicious before it will attempt a Hear! Roll!.
Trying to disguise your voice as a different gender, species, age, size, or as a specific individual each cause a Penalty.
The Creature trying to Spot! a Disguised Voice that is impersonating another Creature must recognize by voice of the creature being impersonated to get a Hear! Roll!. The Creature gets a Bonus on the Hear! Roll for each that applies: if it is an associate of the Creature impersonated, if it is a friend of the Creature impersonated, if it is intimate with the Creature impersonated.
This allows a Creature to create a Disguise as well as Spot! (along with Perception) a Disguise in Use.
A Creature must take a Spot! action to Roll! to see through a Disguise, Success allows the Creature to know the Disguise exists but it does not allowing the Creature to correctly identity the one that is wearing the Disguise. A Creature must have a reason to be suspicious before it will attempt a Spot! Roll!.
Trying to disguise your self as a different gender, species, age, size, or as a specific individual each cause a Penalty.
The Creature trying to Spot! a Disguised Creature that is impersonating another Creature must recognize by sight the creature being impersonated to get a Spot! Roll!. The Creature gets a Bonus on the Spot! Roll for each that applies: if it is an associate of the Creature impersonated, if it is a friend of the Creature impersonated, if it is intimate with the Creature impersonated.
Decipher Script (Subskill)
Trained Only
Perquisite: Speak Language (Subskill)
This allows a Creature to read a script.
Every language is written in a script but several languages often share the same script.
Using Decipher Script on a Language in the same Script but not in have the Speak Language (Subskill) Proficiency in is at a Penalty.
This allows the Creature to make Damage Saving Throws.
Escape Artist
Trained Only
Perquisite: Decipher Script
Gather Information
Handle Animal
This allows a Creature to to herd beasts when possible.
Heal (Medicine)
This allows a Creature to to Hide.
Hiding where someone can see you requires the Camouflage Proficiency.
Trained Only
Perquisite: Tracking
Used With: the appropriate Survival (Subskill)
This allows a Creature to Hunt Beasts. Hunting is different then tracking because hunting involves knowing where the Beast can be found and tracking covers tracking a Creature after you find its tracks.
Insight (Sense Motive)
Intuit Direction
This allows the Creature to tie knots effectively and for various uses.
Knowledge (Subskills)
Trained Only
History (National)
History (Kingdom) covers the a Kingdom and applies to adjacent Kingdoms with a Penalty. History (Kingdom) is truly Kingdom specific, it does not cover the History of lands conquered by the kingdom before the Kingdom conquered them.
History (Regional)
History (Region) covers the a Region and applies to adjacent Region with a Penalty. History (Regional) is truly Region specific, it does not cover the History of Kingdoms before the Kingdom conquered the Region.
Local (Regional)
The Metaverse
Move Silently
Open Locks
Perform (Subskill)
Particular Musical Instrument
Public Speaking
You can use this skill to persuade others to agree with your arguments, to resolve differences, and to gather valuable information or rumors from people. This skill is also used to negotiate conflicts by using the proper etiquette and manners suitable to the problem.
Check: You can change the initial attitudes of nonplayer characters with a successful check. The DC of this check depends on the creature's starting attitude toward you. If you succeed, the character's attitude toward you is improved by one step. For every 5 by which your check result exceeds the DC, the character's attitude toward you increases by one additional step. A creature's attitude cannot be shifted more than two steps up in this way, although the GM can override this rule in some situations. If you fail the check by 4 or less, the character's attitude toward you is unchanged. If you fail by 5 or more, the character's attitude toward you is decreased by one step.
You cannot use Persuasion against a creature that does not understand. Persuasion is generally ineffective in combat and against creatures that intend to harm you or your allies in the immediate future. Any attitude shift caused through Diplomacy generally lasts for 1d4 hours but can last much longer or shorter depending upon the situation (GM discretion).
Starting Attitude Diplomacy DC
Hostile 3 Penalty
Unfriendly 2 Penalty
Indifferent 1 Penalty
Helpful 1 Bonus
If a creature's attitude toward you is at least indifferent, you can make requests of the creature. This is an additional Diplomacy check, using the creature's current attitude to determine the base DC, with one of the following modifiers. Once a creature's attitude has shifted to helpful, the creature gives in to most requests without a check, unless the request is against its nature or puts it in serious peril. Some requests automatically fail if the request goes against the creature's values or its nature, subject to GM discretion.
Request Diplomacy DC Modifier
Give simple advice or directions–5
Give detailed advice+0
Give simple aid+0
Reveal an unimportant secret+5
Give lengthy or complicated aid+5
Give dangerous aid+10
Reveal an important secret+10 or more
Give aid that could result in punishment+15 or more
Additional requests+5 per request
Gather Information: You can also use Diplomacy to gather information about a specific topic or individual. To do this, you must spend at least 1d4 hours canvassing people at local taverns, markets, and gathering places. The DC of this check depends on the obscurity of the information sought, but for most commonly known facts or rumors it is 10. For obscure or secret knowledge, the DC might increase to 20 or higher. The GM might rule that some topics are simply unknown to common folk.
Action: Using Diplomacy to influence a creature's attitude takes 1 minute of continuous interaction. Making a request of a creature takes 1 or more rounds of interaction, depending upon the complexity of the request. Using Diplomacy to gather information takes 1d4 hours of work searching for rumors and informants.
Try Again: You cannot use Diplomacy to influence a given creature's attitude more than once in a 24-hour period. If a request is refused, the result does not change with additional checks, although other requests might be made. You can retry Diplomacy checks made to gather information.
Pick Pockets
Perquisite: Sleight of Hand
Profession (Subskills)
Perquisite: Bookkeeper
Perquisite: Beast Handler
This allows the Creature to load a Beast or Magical Beast and vehicles pulled by them. Without this Proficiency the Creature can load only half of the Beast or Magical Beast's Capacity.
Read Lips
Perquisite: See
Requires: the Speak Language (Subskill) being spoken
You can't Read Lips if you don't have the Speak Language (Subskill) that's being spoken.
Perquisite: Beast Handler
This allows the Creature to Ride a Beast or Magical Beast.
Perquisite: Knots
This allows the Creature to use rope for a lasso.
This allows the Creature to Scry or otherwise use magic to observe things.
This allows the Creature to See things other Creatures would miss with a See Challenge.
Sleight of Hand
Speak Language (Subskill)
Trained Only
Spell Craft
Trained Only
This allows the Creature to Swim.
Survival (Subskills)
Trained Only
This allows a Creature to Forage, Find Water, and Shelter if any is available as well as predict the weather in the Region for the next 24 hours.
Costal is an aquatic terrain that goes from the surface of the water and down to about 30 feet deep within sight of land.
Sea is an aquatic terrain that goes from the surface of the water and down to about 30 feet deep out sight of land.
Deep Sea
Deep Sea is an aquatic terrain that goes deeper than 30 feet deep until the light of the sky would no longer visible at noon.
Abyss is an aquatic terrain that goes so deep that light from the sky would light is no longer be visible at noon.
Grasslands is a terrain characterized by mostly grass and found in dry temperate regions.
Savannas is a terrain characterized by mostly grass and found in dry tropical regions.
Tundra is a terrain characterized by mostly grass and found in dry artic regions and possibly high in the mountains.
Forest's is a terrain characterized by mostly trees with undergrowth and found in moist temperate regions.
Jungles is a terrain characterized by mostly trees with undergrowth and found in moist tropical regions.
Taiga is a terrain characterized by mostly trees with undergrowth and found in moist artic regions and possibly high in the mountains.
Deserts are found in arid tropical and temperate regions.
Artic so a terrain found in arid artic regions and possibly high in the mountains.
Swamps is a terrain characterized by mostly trees with undergrowth and is found in wet temperate regions.
Bogs is a terrain characterized by mostly trees with undergrowth and is found in wet artic regions.
Quagmires is a terrain characterized by mostly trees with undergrowth and is found in wet tropical regions.
Marshes is a terrain characterized by mostly grasses and is found in wet temperate regions.
Mors is a terrain characterized by mostly grasses and is found in artic regions.
Reeds is a terrain characterized by mostly grasses and is found in wet tropical regions.
Urban is a terrain bult by humanoids and worldwide.
Urban is a terrain bult by humanoids and worldwide.
Underground is a terrain wholly below the ground and totally deprived of sunlight.
Use Magic Device
Use Rope