this section contains information on the various notes concerning any rules changes as well as notes on how each class fits into the world


cannot be played


path of the berserker

path of the wild heart

path of the world tree

path of the zealot

only good and true zealots can use radiant damage and only evil zealots can use necrotic damage


tool proficiencies

a bard can take any tool proficiency and is not limited to just musical instrument

college of dance

collage of glamour

collage of lore

collage of valor


the gods are dead or in hiding, either way their names are not even remembered

clerics function off of their alignments first and their divine domains second, this means a lawful good arcana domain cleric has more in common with a lawful good knowledge domain cleric than it does with a neutral good arcana domain cleric

clerics with the acolyte background are officially part of the temple faction, can go up in ranks and gain other benefits, if an acolyte has its alignment change it doesn't lose the ranks it earned in its previous temple but must start at rank 0 in its new temple structure

a cleric's holy symbol is based off of its domain and alignment, a cleric's holy symbol can be identified as a cleric's holy symbol with a dc 5 religion check, its domain can be identified if the check result is 10 or higher, and its alignment can be identified if the check is 15 or over

alignment change is hardest on a cleric, holy symbols only work for a specific alignment and domain, if your alignment or domain changes your old holy symbol will not work

alignment restrictions by domain

life domain

no evil alignments

light domain

good alignments only

trickery domain

chaotic alignments only

war domain

any alignment

yes, only war is universal

alignment change

if a cleric changes alignment it can change its domain by finding a cleric of its new alignment with that domain and performing a dedication ceremony


the cleric must seek a cleric of its original alignment and domain who must successfully cast an atonement ceremony for it

until the erring cleric does one of the above it loses all domain abilities


druids can and do often wear metal armor

magical armor sizes itself to its wearer so do not be shocked about the polar bear in medium armor

all of the optional druid class features are used

each druid circle accepts druids of all alignments but religious and racial intolerance still often explodes in violence

the week of a solstice or equinox is holy and peace is enforced among all druids so circles can be held

those that violate the peace of the solstice or equinox usually don't live long

even the druid's enemies will not usually violate the peace of the solstices or equinoxes

circle of the land

good or true land druid's land's aid does radiant damage

circle of the moon

if they are evil your lunar radiance ability hill do its normal damage type or necrotic damage

circle of the sea

circle of stars

if they are evil or they their starry form ability you do necrotic damage


battle master


eldritch knight

psi warrior


all of the optional monk class features are used

within the campaign monks are also most commonly associated with the temples of their alignment and are even often acolytes

monk temples are universally open to all orphans and abandoned children regardless of their race or alignment

holy messengers

monks are used as both holy and mundane messengers

a monk openly displaying a blue shoulder pouch or backpack is signaling it is on a delivery

it is unlawful to interfere with a messenger openly displaying its pouch

it is unlawful to display a pouch when not on a delivery mission or returning from a delivery mission

besides being blue the pouch must also display heraldry showing the messenger's employer

way of mercy

way of shadow

way of the elements

way of the open hand


all of the optional paladin class features are used

paladins with the acolyte background are officially part of the temple faction, can go up in ranks and gain other benefits, if an acolyte has its alignment change it doesn't lose the ranks it earned in its previous temple but must start at rank 0 in its new temple structure, paladins with the knight of the order background are officially part of the knightly order faction, can go up in ranks and gain other benefits, if an knight of the order has its alignment change it doesn't lose the ranks it earned in its previous knightly order but must start at rank 0 in its new temple structure

a paladin's holy symbol is based off of its alignment, a paladin's holy symbol can be identified as a paladin's holy symbol with a dc 5 religion check, its alignment can be identified if the check result is 10 or higher, and its order (if any) can be identified if the check is 15 or over

alignment change is also very hard on a paladin, holy symbols only work for a specific alignment and if you alignment changes the old holy symbol will not work for you

level 11:radiant strike

an evil paladins radiant strike does necrotic damage

oaths by alignment

oath of devotion


oath of glory


oath of the ancients


oath of vengeance


alignment change

if a paladin changes alignment it can change its oath by finding a cleric of its new alignment and performing a dedication ceremony


the paladin must seek a cleric of its original alignment who must successfully cast an atonement ceremony for it

until the erring paladin does one of the above it loses all sacred oath abilities


beast master

fey wanderer

chaotic only

gloom stalker

dread ambusher only counts as a ambush if you attack before creature acts if true or if you close gain positional advantage if lawful



all of the optional rogue class features are used


using stealth against sapient creatures will change your alignment to true and maybe chaotic depending on the circumstances

level 1:sneak attack

depending on how you gained advantage using the sneak attack ability might change your alignment to true or chaotic

level 1: thieves' cant

using thieves' cant to hide a conversation will change your alignment to true unless you are discussing something dishonorable then it changes to chaotic

level 5: cunning strike

poison use makes you chaotic

arcane trickster

level 3: mage hand legerdemain

using an invisible mage hand against a sapient creature changes your alignment to true or chaotic

level 9: magical ambush

using magical ambush will change your alignment to true and maybe to chaotic depending on the circumstances

level 13: versatile trickster

using versatile trickster will change your alignment to true and maybe to chaotic depending on the circumstances


level 3: assassinate

assassinate only counts as a ambush if you attack before the creature acts if true or if you close gain positional advantage if lawful

level 3: assassin's tools

using assassin's tools expertise changes your alignment to true or chaotic for disguise or chaotic for poison

level 9: infiltration expertise

using masterful mimicry changes your alignment to true or chaotic

level 13: envenom weapons

using envenom weapons changes your alignment to chaotic

level 17: death strike

death strike only counts as a ambush if you attack before the creature acts if true or if you close gain positional advantage if lawful


level 3: psionic power

using psionic whispers can cause your alignment to change to true or chaotic

level 3: psychic blades

psychic blades used to launch a surprise attack will change your alignment to true and maybe chaotic depending on the circumstances

level 13: psychic veil

using psychic veil will change your alignment to true and maybe chaotic depending on the circumstances


the most common rouge and most commonly chaotic

Level 3: Fast Hands

slight of hand will change your alignment to true and maybe chaotic depending on the circumstances

Level 9: Supreme Sneak

sneak attach will change your alignment to chaotic depending


all of the optional sorcerer class features are used

when a sorcerer casts a spell or uses a class feature it clearly marks itself as a sorcerer and not a wizard to any that can perceive it, any one trained in arcana or religion automatically knows what type of sorcerer it is

aberrant soul
level 3: telepathic speech

telepathic speech will change your alignment to true and maybe chaotic depending on the circumstances

clockwork soul

lawful only

draconic bloodline

females must be chaotic, males must be chaoti

wild magic

chaotic only


all of the optional warlock class features are used

the relationship between a warlock and its patron is already settled

the character has already done what needed doing to gain its power and nothing more will ever be demanded of it

however if the character wants to exchange something for even greater power the patron is always findable

players can pick the alignment of their patron within the guidelines below

level 9: contact patron

the patron will respond as it desires and its alignment allows


chaotic only


good only


true neutral fiend patrons are devils

chaotic neutral fiend patrons are demons

lawful neutral fiend patrons are chthonic

great old one
level 3: awakened mind

awakened mind will change your alignment to true and maybe chaotic depending on the circumstances


wizards don't have alignment restrictions but are the most likely have their alignments change because of the spells they use



