player's handbook

chapter 1


vision and light


bright light that has additional affects on same creatures

bright light

standard lighting

dim light

disadvantage on wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight


disadvantage on on attacks and wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight and attack rolls against you have advantage, your attack rolls have disadvantage, but your vision is not considered heavily obscured

total darkness

you can't see and automatically fail checks that rely on sight and attack rolls against you have advantage, your attack rolls have disadvantage, and your vision is still considered heavily obscured

magical darkness

a greater level of darkness that only a few creatures can see through

travel pace


twice normal

imposes disadvantage on a traveler's hide, influence, search, and study checks


feet divided by five feet an hour


half normal

grants advantage on a traveler's on a traveler's hide, influence, search, or study checks


movement and position

creature size and space

tiny 1 square

small 2x2 square

medium 4x4 square

large 8x8 square

huge 16x16 square

gargantuan 32x32 square

small creatures also only have a reach of 2.5 feet

melee attack

opportunity attack

making an opportunity attack

you can make an opportunity attack when a creature that you can see spends speed in a space

to make the opportunity attack, take a reaction to make one melee attack with a weapon or an unarmed strike against that creature

the attack occurs right before it spends its speed

damage and healing

damage and healing

critical hits

when you score a critical hit, you deal extra damage

roll the attack’s damage dice twice, add them together, and add any relevant modifiers as normal

for example, if you score a critical hit with a dagger, roll 2d4 for the damage rather than td4, and add your relevant ability modifier

if the attack involves other damage dice, such as from the rogue’s sneak attack feature, you don't also roll those dice twice, you also don't roll the additional dice from cantrips only roll the first die twice


when you receive healing, add the restored hit points to your current hit points

your hit points can’t exceed your hit point maximum, so any hit points regained in excess of the maximum are temporary hit points

or example, if you receive 8 hit points of healing and have 14 hit points and a hit point maximum of 20, you regain 6 hit points and 2 temporary hit points

chapter 4: character origins

creating a background

1: chose three abilities

2: chose one origin feat

3: choose two skill proficiencies

4: chose one tool proficiency

5: gain 50gp to keep or buy equipment

chapter 6


musical instruments

the following musical instruments are not available






lifestyle expenses

wretched - 3cp per day / 1 share of treasures

squalid - 9cp per day / 3 shares of treasures

poor - 3sp per day / 10 shares of treasures

modest - 9sp per day / 30 shares of treasures

comfortable - 3gp per day / 100 shares of treasures

wealthy - 9gp per day / 300 shares of treasures

noble - 3pp per day / 1,000 shares of treasures

royal - 9pp per day / 3,000 shares of treasures

semi-divine - 30pp per day / 10,000 shares of treasures

divine - 90pp per day / 30,000 shares of treasures

when dealing with someone with a lower lifestyle two levels lower than you, you have an advantage on social checks

when dealing with someone with a higher lifestyle two or more levels then you, you have a disadvantage on social checks


is used to divide treasure and booty when different lifestyles are involved


you share a 10 ft. x 10 ft. room with three others and you can store only as much as you can put in a chest (2x2x3 feet, 300 pounds)


means you live in a 10'x10' (15'x15') area by yourself with a common bath and cook area


means you live in a 25'x25' (30' x 30') area by yourself with a bath, cook area, and other rooms


means you live in a 55'x 55' (60' x 60') area with a bath, cook area, and several other rooms


means you live in an area equal to about one floor, the wealthy often pay for additional floors


means you live in an area equal to about four floors


means you live in an area equal of a tower


means you live in an area equal to four towers


means you live in an area equal to about sixteen towers


means you live in an area equal to about sixty-four towers

not paying for food reduces your lifestyle costs by one-third but you must carry every thing you own or pay for storage

when adventuring out of town you need to buy food unless in the wilderness and housing if necessary

not maintaining your housing when you are out of town means you lose your housing

temporary housing is one lifestyle lower but has the same price

not maintaining the last third of your lifestyle will lower your lifestyle as your clothes and equipment becomes ill maintained

spouses and dependents generally don't need housing

self sufficiency

characters sustaining themselves in the wild eke out the equivalent of a wretched lifestyle

proficiency in the survival skill lets them live at the equivalent of a poor lifestyle

food, drink, and lodging

wretched - 1cp food and drink, 1cp lodging

squalid - 1cp food and drink, 3cp lodging

poor - 3cp food and drink, 1sp lodging

modest - 1sp food and drink, 3sp lodging

comfortable - 3sp food and drink, 1gp lodging

wealthy - 1gp food and drink, 3gp lodging

noble - 3gp food and drink, 1pp lodging

royal - 1pp food and drink, 3pp lodging

semi-divine - 3pp food and drink, 10pp lodging

divine - 10pp food and drink, 30pp lodging

per meal or half ration

or your normal lifestyle per day of normal eating

crafting equipment

raw materials

to make an item you need raw materials worth one quarter the purchase cost


to determine how many hours it takes to make an item, divide its purchase price in gold pieces by one quarter and then divide that by the craftsman's proficiency bonus in silver pieces, a craftsman can work on more than one item in a day

brewing potions of healing

potions of healing cost one-tenth the listed value

potions of healing take the standard time to brew based on their reduced value ignoring the time

scriping spell scrolls

spell scrolls take the standard time to craft based on their reduced value ignoring the time given on the chart

spell scroll costs

cantrip 5gp

1st 10gp

2nd 20gp

3rd 40gp

4th 80gp

5th 160gp

6th 320gp

7th 640gp

8th 1,280gp

9th 2,560gp

rules glossary



size water

tiny 1/8 gallon

small 1/4 gallon

medium 1/2 gallon

large 1 gallon

huge 2 gallon

gargantuan 4 gallon

a 1/4 of a gallon of alcohol counts as a half ration of food


size food

tiny 1/2 pounds

small 1 pounds

medium 2 pounds

large 4 pounds

huge 8 pounds

gargantuan 16 pounds

goodberry counts as 1/2 rations regardless or the creatures size


treats total darkness as darkness


when you move one half your speed or less and hide you gain advantage on hide checks

when you move over your base speed you hade disadvantage on your hide checks


when you move one half your speed or less and influence you gain advantage on influence checks

when you move over your base speed you hade disadvantage on your influence checks


when you move one half your speed or less and search you gain advantage on search checks

when you move over your base speed you hade disadvantage on your search checks


when you move one half your speed or less and study you gain advantage on study checks

when you move over your base speed you hade disadvantage on your study checks