
a medium creature needs two pounds of food per day

cool or colder weather increases this

a creature can make food last longer by subsisting on half rations

eating half rations for a day counts as half a day without food

a creature can go without food for a number of days equal to 6 + its constitution modifier

at the end of each day beyond that limit, a creature must succeed on a dc15 constitution save or suffer one level of exhaustion

a day of eating extra rations reduces the count of days without food by one-half a day

a single berry from the goodberry spell counts as a half ration for the creature eating it


a medium creature needs one half gallon of water per day

increase this if the weather is warm or warmer

a character who drinks only half that much water must succeed on a dc 15 constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion at the end of the day

a character with access to even less water must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion once every twelve hours


stage one: clear

stage two: clear plus light rain, freezing rain, light snow

stage three: partly cloudy

stage three: partly cloudy plus rain, hailstorm, or snow

stage four: overcast

stage five: overcast plus torrential rain, sever hailstorm, or blizzard

clear the unobstructed outdoor light is sunlight

light rain extinguishes small flames and gets everything wet

freezing rain extinguishes small flames, gets everything wet, and may cause icy terrain

light snow extinguishes small flames

partly cloudy the outdoor light is bright light

rain imposes disadvantage on wisdom (perception) checks that rely on hearing and extinguishes all but magical open flames

hailstorms cause all creatures near it to have disadvantage on wisdom (perception) checks that rely on hearing, extinguishes all but the largest open flames, and attacks each creature in the open with a +0 bonus for 1d6 bludgeoning damage

snow causes everything within the area of snow to be lightly obscured and extinguishes all but magical open flames

overcast the outdoor light is low light

torrential rain causes everything within its area to be lightly obscured, imposes disadvantage on nearby wisdom (perception) checks that rely on hearing and extinguishes all but magical open flames

heavy hailstorms cause everything within the area of a heavy hailstorm to be lightly obscured, all creatures near it have disadvantage on wisdom (perception) checks that rely on hearing, extinguishes all but magical open flames, and attacks each creature in the open with a +0 bonus and advantage for 1d8 bludgeoning damage