between adventures
lifestyle expenses
you choose a particular quality of life and pay the cost of maintaining that lifestyle
living a particular lifestyle can affect the way other individuals and groups react to you
as well as how often and what kind of campaign events happen to you
remember there are 6 days in a week one of which is a temple day
a festival week happens the first week of every season
lifestyle daily costs
wretched 3cp
squalid 9cp
poor 3sp
modest 9sp
comfortable 3gp
wealthy 9gp
noble 3pp
royalty 9pp
semi-divine 30pp
divine 90pp
a lifestyle that doesn't require lodging costs one-third less
spouses and dependents generally don't require housing above the squalid level within reason
roommates are common at the poor and modest lifestyles
a lifestyle that doesn’t require food costs one-third less
food is not required at home when you are on an adventure
a lifestyle that does not include miscellaneous items costs one-third less
when on adventures the lifestyle away from home is not required as long as the creature is paying for its home lifestyle's miscellaneous expenses
this is the lifestyle of the lower vagrant class, you sleep in common rooms or other public spaces and must keep everything you own with you at all times, you are exposed to disease every day, failure to maintain at least this standard of living will get you kicked out of a great city
this is the lifestyle of the upper vagrant class, you share a 10 ft. x 10ft. room with three others and you can store only as much as you can put in a chest (2x2x3 feet, 300 pounds)
this is the lifestyle of the lower working class, you generally have a 15ft. by 15ft. space
this is the lifestyle of the upper working class, you generally have a 30ft. by 30ft. space
this is the lifestyle of the lower professional class, you generally have a 60ft. by 60ft. space with a servant
this is the lifestyle of the upper professional class, you generally have space a 120ft. by 120ft. space with servants
this is the lifestyle of the lower ruling class, you generally have three 120 ft. by 120 ft. floors in a tower with servants and guards
this is the lifestyle of the higher ruling class, you generally have a tower of twelve 120 ft. by 120 ft. floors with servants and guards
this is the lifestyle of the generally idle rich, you have a space equal to four towers with servants and guards
this is the lifestyle of the totally idle rich, you have a space equal to sixteen towers with all the necessary staff with servants and guards
downtime activities
between adventures, the dm will ask you what your character is doing during its downtime, downtime activities other than the ones presented below are possible, if you want your character to spend his or her downtime performing an activity not covered here, discuss it with the dm
attend temple day
resources required
a temple with the same alignment as the creature on temple day
the creature spends 8 hours attending to temple duties, gains one inspiration, and one day's worth of renown towards that alignment's temple renown
buying items
resources required a settlement of at least the proper size to buy an unlimited number of items in one roll with only one roll allowed per day
settlement: a settlement’s population determines the maximum base gp value of all items that can be bought, the base gp value also determines the lifestyle required to not have disadvantage on the charisma (persuasion) check
buying price: roll a charisma (persuasion) check, once the buy price is determined if it is found you cannot or will not buy the goods they will attempt to arrest you for fraud, a result of no sale means you cannot find a seller willing to do business with you and a result of hostility means they will try to get you arrested for fraud as if you refused to pay
check total outcome
less than 0 no sale
0 to 4 100%
5 to 9 95%
10 to 14 90%
15 to 19 85%
20 to 24 80%
25 to 29 75%
30 to 34 70%
35 to 39 65%
40 or more 60%
value settlement size
5sp poor small hermitage
15sp poor large hermitage
5 gp modest small steading
15gp modest large steading
50gp comfortable small thorp
150gp comfortable large thorp
500gp wealthy small hamlet
1,500gp wealthy large hamlet
5,000gp noble small village
15,000gp noble large village
50,000gp royal small town
150,000gp royal large town
500,000 gp semi-divine small city
1,500,000gp semi-divine large city
5,000,00gp divine small metropolis
15,000,000gp divine large metropolis
resources required
one day’s lifestyle above your normal lifestyle, can be done in a day where you spent 8 hours doing something else
the character spends time in a romantic encounter with another creature the effects of which can be determined but generally includes gaining an inspiration
crafting an item
resources and resolution
in addition to the appropriate tools for the item to be crafted, a character needs raw materials worth half of the item’s selling cost, to determine how many workdays it takes to create an item divide its gold piece cost by the character’s bonus in the skill used, a character can complete multiple items in a workday if the items’ combined cost is or lower, items that cost more can be completed over longer periods of time, as long as the work in progress is stored in a safe location, multiple characters can combine their efforts, a particularly tiny item, like a ring, might allow only one or two workers, whereas a large, complex item might allow four or more workers, each character needs to be proficient with the tools needed to craft an item and have access to the appropriate equipment, everyone who collaborates needs to have the appropriate tool proficiency, the judge will need to make any judgment calls regarding whether a character has the correct equipment, if all the above requirements are met, the result of the process is an item of the desired sort
crafting magic items
creating a magic item requires more than just time, effort, and materials, to start with a character needs a formula for a magic item in order to create it, such formulas cost as much as the item, some formulas are not for sale, the formula is like a recipe, it lists the materials needed and steps required to make the item, the character must also be of a level sufficiently high enough to create the magic item as well as meet any other requirements set by the formula
common, minor enchantments
30gp and 1st level
common, major enchantments
100gp and 3rd level
uncommon minor enchantments
300gp and 5th level
uncommon major enchantments
1,000gp and 7th level
rare minor enchantments
3,000gp and 9th level
rare major enchantments
10,000gp and 11th level
very rare minor enchantments
30,000gp and 13th level
very rare major enchantments
100,000gp and 15th level
legendary minor enchantments
300,000gp and 17th level
legendary major enchantments
1,000,000gp and 19th level
artifact minor enchantments
3,000,000 and 21st level
artifact major enchantments
10,000,000 and 23rd level
divide the price by 20 if the item is a consumable
the cost does not include the cost of the base item, which must be paid as well. (for example: a sheet of parchment is required for all scrolls costing 1sp), to complete a magic item, a character also needs whatever tool proficiency is appropriate, as for crafting a non-magical object, a magical blueprint for the item, and proficiency in the arcana, nature, or religion skill as is appropriate for it’s type, if all the above requirements are met, the result of the process is a magic item of the desired sort
day work
8 hour day and a large enough settlement
to determine how much money the character earns make an skill check of the character’s choice
workdays are 8 hours long
check result
less than 0
earn nothing
0 to 4
earn your check bonus in copper
5 to 9
three times your check bonus in copper
10 to 14
earn your check bonus in silver
15 to 19
earn three times your check bonus in silver
20 to 24
earn your check bonus in gold
25 to 29
earn three times your check bonus in gold
30 or more
earn your check bonus in platinum
earn a living
a background that says you can earn a living, remember not all bards are entertainers, and you must be in a large enough settlement
collect the following amount times the appropriate skill bonus, pay is doubled when working on a temple day
wretched living
pays your skill bonus times 1cp and can be earned in a small thorp
squalid living
pays your skill bonus times 3cp and can be earned in a large thorp
poor living
pays your skill bonus times 1sp and can be earned in a small village
modest living
pays your skill bonus times 3sp and can be earned in a large village
comfortable living
pays your skill bonus times 1gp and can be earned in a small town
wealthy living
pays your skill bonus times 3gp and can be earned in a large town
noble living
pays your skill bonus times 1pp and can be earned in a small city
royal living
pays your skill bonus times 3pp and can be earned in a large city
semi-divine living
pays your skill bonus times 10pp and can be earned in a small metropolis
divine living
pays your skill bonus times 30 pp and can be earned in a large metropolis
gaining renown
membership in a faction that measures renown
a character can spend downtime improving his or her renown within a particular faction, between adventures, a character undertakes minor tasks for the organization and socializes with its members, after pursuing these activities for 300 days, the character’s renown increases by 1, if the organization allows the character to earn a living as a downtime activity then both activities are combined
this activity requires one day of effort plus a stake of at least one day’s lifestyle, to a maximum of 100 times a day’s lifestyle, the creature will not be allowed into a place a bet with a lifestyle higher than its current lifestyle
the creature makes three checks: wisdom (insight), charisma (deception), and charisma (intimidation), if the character has proficiency with an appropriate gaming set and the venue is using it, that tool proficiency can replace the relevant skill in any of the checks, the dc for each of the checks is 5 + 2d10; a separate dc will be generated for each one, consult the gambling results below
0 successes
lose an amount equal to the bet
1 success
lose an amount equal to half the bet
2 successes
win an amount equal to half the bet
3 successes
win an amount equal to the bet
maximum bet
large metropolis - divine
small metropolis - semi-divine
large city - royal
small city - noble
large town - wealthy
small town - comfortable
large village - modest
small village - poor
large hamlet - wretched
small hamlet - squalid
forewarned is forearmed, the research downtime activity allows a character to delve into lore concerning a monster, a location, a magic item, or some other particular topic
typically, a character needs access to a library to conduct research requiring at least a day’s lifestyle spent on materials, bribes, gifts, and other expenses, assuming such access is available, conducting research requires one workday day of effort, the lifestyle paid will limit the level of facts learnable as your lifestyle determines the highest level of library you normally have access to
the character declares the focus of the research — a specific person, place, or thing, after one day, the character makes an appropriate intelligence (investigation) or other approved check, in addition, a character who has access to a particularly well-stocked library or knowledgeable sages gains advantage on this check, determine how much lore a character learns using the research outcomes below
4 or less you learn an alternative piece of lore
this is the best you can do in a large village* or with a modest lifestyle
*a small chance of it really being an artifact level piece of lore from a local hermit everyone ignores
5 - 9 you learn a common level piece of lore
this is the best you can do in a small town or with a comfortable lifestyle
10 - 14 you learn both a common and an uncommon level piece of lore
this is the best you can do in a large town or with a wealthy lifestyle
15 - 19 you learn one each of a common, uncommon, and rare level piece of lore
this is the best you can do in a small city or with a noble lifestyle
20 - 24 you learn one each of a common, uncommon, rare, and very rare level piece of lore
this is the best you can do in a large city or with a royal lifestyle
25 - 29 you learn one each of a common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary level piece of lore
this is the best you can do in a small metropolis or with a semi-divine lifestyle
30 or more you learn one each of a common, uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, and artifact level piece of lore
this is the best you can do in a large metropolis or with a divine lifestyle
each piece of lore is the equivalent of one true statement about a person, place, or thing, examples include knowledge of a creature’s resistances, the password needed to enter a sealed dungeon level, the spells commonly prepared by an order of wizards
resources required: one day
resolution: while relaxing, a character gains advantage on saving throws to recover from long-acting diseases and poisons at the end of its long rest
running a business
resources required: ownership of a business
resolution: once a week roll a d20 adding your lowest modifier for intelligence, wisdom, or charisma and add the number of days you personally worked running the business then compare the total to the running a business table to determine the outcome, when running a business you can be one of the paid employees but the business will be short handed when you don’t run it
check result
less than 0 costs 10% of expected weekly expenses
0 to 4 costs 5% of expected weekly expenses
5 to 9 break even on expected weekly expenses
10 to 14 earn 5% of expected weekly expenses
15 to 19 earn 10% of expected weekly expenses
20 to 24 earn 15% of expected weekly expenses
25 to 29 earn 20% of expected weekly expenses
30 or more earn 25% of expected weekly expenses
selling items
resources required
a settlement of at least the proper size to sell an unlimited number of items up to the settlement's maximum sales in one roll, refusing a sale after a result is generated is prosecuted as fraud
a settlement’s population determines the maximum base gold value of all items that can be sold, the base gold value also determines the lifestyle required to not have disadvantage on the charisma (persuasion) check
selling price
roll a charisma (persuasion) check, once the sell price is determined if it is found you cannot or will not sell the goods they will attempt to arrest you for fraud
check total result
less than 0 no sale
0 to 4 20% of base price
5 - 9 25% of base price
10 - 14 30% of base price
15 - 19 35% of base price
20 - 24 40% of base price
25 - 29 45% of base price
30 - 34 50% of base price
35 - 39 55% of base price
40 or more 60% of base price
settlement size maximum sales
small hermitage 15sp
large hermitage 5gp
small steading 15gp
small steading 50gp (common, minor)
small thorp 150gp (common, major)
large thorp 500gp (uncommon, minor)
small hamlet 1,500gp (uncommon, major)
large hamlet 5,000gp (rare, minor)
small village 15,000gp (rare, major)
large village 50,000gp (very rare, minor)
small town 150,000gp (very rare, major)
large town 500,000gp (legendary, minor)
small city 1,500,000gp (legendary, major)
large city 5,000,000gp (artifact, minor)
small metropolis 15,000,000gp (artifact, major)
large metropolis 50,000,000gp
your lifestyle maximum sales
wretched 1,500gp (common, minor)
squalid 5,000gp (common, major)
poor 15,000gp (uncommon, minor)
modest 50,000gp (uncommon, major)
comfortable 150,000gp (rare, minor)
wealthy 500,000gp (rare, major)
noble 1,500,000gp (very rare, minor)
royalty 5,000,000gp (very rare, major)
semi-divine 15,000,000gp (legendary, minor)
divine 50,000,000gp (legendary, major)
sales over your lifestyle maximum are made at a disadvantage
value settlement size
5sp poor small hermitage
15sp poor large hermitage
5 gp modest small steading
15gp modest large steading
50gp comfortable small thorp
150gp comfortable large thorp
500gp wealthy small hamlet
1,500gp wealthy large hamlet
5,000gp noble small village
15,000gp noble large village
50,000gp royal small town
150,000gp royal large town
500,000 gp semi-divine small city
1,500,000gp semi-divine large city
5,000,00gp divine small metropolis
15,000,000gp divine large metropolis
given enough free time and the services of an instructor, a character can gain an ability score increase
receiving training takes 300 days
training costs 1gp per day
for 3gp a day the day counts as two
prices are doubled on temple days and festival weeks