company positions
a franchise is a complex affair, requiring its participants to fulfill a myriad of important duties necessary for its proper growth (and the enrichment of the nine corporate head offices), a company position establishes a character’s role within a franchise, as well as a relationship with the larger corporate organization
when you choose a company position for your character, that choice is independent of and in addition to your character’s background, class, and other options, though head office might tell would-be franchisees to play to their strengths, you should choose the position that speaks to you — and that feels like it’ll be the most fun, all characters who take on a franchise must take a company position, a character can take only one position within a franchise.
each company position has its own distinct flavor — and comes with a range of preternatural benefits, some of these benefits take the form of material boons granted by head office, including specialized magic items available only to franchisees, others are shaped by the subtle power of your position and the franchise’s rank
position proficiencies
accepting a corporate position means more than just a title and hopes of a paycheck, with it comes access to trade secrets, best practices, and corporate shortcuts central to fulfilling one’s role within a franchise, when a character takes a specific company position, they gain proficiency in the tools and skills associated with that position, such proficiency also extends to a variety of business practices, day-to-day tasks, and hazard mitigations that are all part of the job
company tools
the tools and items that are granted to a character as part of a company position are unique objects created and bestowed by head office on trusted franchisees, a set of tools might resemble mundane tools, but they are never the same, countless mundane cartographers in the world have proficiency with cartographer’s tools, but only a corporate cartographer has access to a cartographer’s map case and the ability to use it, magic items gained as part of a company position always require attunement, but they do not count against the number of magic items a character can normally attune to, each item can be attuned to only by the character to whom it has been granted by head office, if the tools of other franchisees are ever found, they cannot be attuned even by characters with the applicable position, it goes without saying that such tools found at large are expected to be returned to head office immediately
each position magic item is representative of the significant mystic expertise — and no matter who might use them, position items always belong to the franchise proper, the use of such items is typically revoked upon leaving the company, and head office is known for the diligence with which it retrieves items that are “accidentally” held onto
gaining ranks
you choose your character’s position when the character first joins a franchise, your character starts at rank 0, you gain specialized training (including new proficiencies), and special equipment, gaining ranks in corporations is the same as in any faction
the cartographer
proficiencies and starting equipment
as a rank 0 cartographer, you gain proficiency with cartographer’s tools, and your choice of vehicles (land) or vehicles (air/water), head office also grants you the use of cartographer’s supplies, a waterproof leather map case, a spyglass, and a supply of ink
it’s a rental
at rank 1, at the start of any mission, you can requisition a draft horse and cart, riding horses and ponies (one for each party member), passage on a ship or ferry (might require minor labor as part of the fare), and similar transportation, any damage or losses to requisitioned equipment is expected to be repaid to head office
spyglass of clairvoyance
at rank 2, your head office-supplied spyglass becomes a common magic item, as an action, you can look through the spyglass of clairvoyance at a location within 1 mile of you that is obstructing your view, such as a mountain, castle, or forest, you must then succeed on a dc 15 wisdom check using cartographer’s tools to map the natural terrain found within three miles of that chosen point, you do not gain any knowledge of creatures, structures, or anything other than natural terrain, this property of the spyglass cannot be used again until the next dawn
tale of safe travel
starting at rank 2, you gain the ability to perform a ritual using your cartographer’s tools, maps, and 1 sp in consumed material components per creature going on the trip, by doing so, you ensure safe travel for you and the other creatures from your current location to another location you could normally reach by traveling in one day, the destination must be one to which you have traveled previously, or for which you have an accurate route and map, you and the other creatures plus their gear (including vehicles or mounts) become encircled in a magical bubble and are pulled to the final destination, the dm will tell the story of the journey, relating details of what will be seen in route, if you wish, the ritual can be ended early, allowing the party to encounter what’s being described by the dm, whenever the ritual is ended or interrupted by you, all the travelers arrive safely at the destination by actually traveling there, this will not get you past a gate or a guarded position but will get you past tolls if paid, so a position that will not allow strangers past will end the tale but a position that requires just a toll will not end the tale if the toll is paid and passage is allowed
map of shortcuts
at rank 3, your map case becomes a common magic item, in addition to storing normal maps, your cartographer’s map case can be used to generate a special map identifying a shortcut, you can use your action to make a dc 15 wisdom (perception) check, with a success revealing a map buried in your cartographer’s map case noting a relevant shortcut for your next two hour’s travel, your travel time is reduced by half while you follow that route, the map includes notes on the terrain, granting you advantage on the next ability check you make to travel through the mapped area in the next hour, once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest,
map of the moment
starting at rank 3, you can use an action to make a dc 15 wisdom (perception) check and search your cartographer’s map case to find a map either related to your current mission or inspiring a new one, on a success, you find a map with a prominent landmark, the map has information on the natural terrain within one mile of the landmark, once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until dawn seven days later
elder cartographer’s glossography
when you attain rank 4, you gain a small tome that is an uncommon magic item, the elder cartographer’s glossography grants advantage on intelligence or wisdom checks related to geographical features or locations
greater tale of safe travel
also at rank 4, your tale of safe travel feature can now span up to three days of travel, if your franchise headquarters is mobile, you can include it in your tale of safe travel, and can also include items or goods weighing up to 2,000 pounds
the decisionist
prerequisites: must have either the celebrity adventurer’s scion, plaintiff, or rival intern background
proficiencies and starting equipment
as a rank 0 decisionist, you gain proficiency with a musical instrument (horn), and head office also grants you the use of a musical instrument (your choice of horn), a voting kit, and a coin of decisionry, this large gold coin is emblazoned with the sigil of the corporation as “heads,” and has a “tails” image that varies
starting at rank 1, whenever the members of your franchise take a vote, you can present your coin of decisionry and cast two votes
absentee ballot
starting at rank 2, if a member of your franchise party is absent, you gain their vote and can decide quite confidently how they would have voted, in addition, if a vote is ever taken while you are absent, you can call for a recount and add your two votes to the final voting result
coin of decisionry
starting at rank 2, your coin of decisionry becomes a common magic item, when you flip the coin, it always lands with the corporate sigil face down, and a message appears on the “tails” face. roll a d4 on the magic item description to determine the message, the coin has absolutely no divination abilities, and its results when you use it are random, but nobody else knows that, when a creature within 10 feet of you flips the coin (after having had its powerful prognostication powers dutifully explained), you can exert your will to control its operation as a bonus action, choosing the result that appears after it lands as a means of gently coercing the user toward a specific course of action, the creature flipping the coin can detect your manipulation with a successful dc 13 wisdom (insight) check
better odds
when you reach rank 3, your coin of decisionry gains a measure of actual divination power and becomes an uncommon magic item, in addition to its normal function, you can use an action to flip the coin of decisionry twice while pondering a specific plan or objective, noting both random results, if you succeed on a dc 15 intelligence (arcana) check, you learn which of the two results is more applicable to the course of action, this property of the coin can’t be used again until the next dawn
inspired decision
starting at rank 3, whenever a serious franchise vote is taken and the result goes the way you voted, you can inspire the rest of the franchise team with a brief speech, make a dc 15 charisma (persuasion) check, on a success, each franchise member of your choice who can hear you gains advantage on the next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw they make in the next hour, once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest
charming misdemeanor
as a rank 4 decisionist, you can present your coin of decisionry to grant yourself an extra vote when your franchise votes, for a total of three votes, once you do so, you cannot do so again until dawn seven days later
clandestine kit
at rank 4, your voting kit becomes a common magic item that conceals an extradimensional space, as a bonus action, you can place one tool kit that you are proficient with into the voting kit, or can remove it, no other type of object can be placed into the extradimensional space, creature searching the voting kit finds and extracts the tool kit with a successful dc 20 intelligence (investigation) or wisdom (perception) check.
additionally, you can use the voting kit to cast charm person (save dc 15), this property of the kit can’t be used again until the next dawn
the documancer
proficiencies and starting equipment
as a rank 0 documancer, you gain proficiency with calligrapher’s supplies, head office also grants you the use of calligrapher’s supplies, a documancy satchel for your calligrapher’s supplies, sealing wax, and a scroll case
gift of words
at rank 1, you are fluent in the semi-arcane language of documancy, this knowledge grants you advantage on intelligence checks to decipher codes or similar scripts, the dm might also provide you with hints whenever you try to solve a puzzle or decipher clues involving writing
documancy satchel
at rank 2, your documancy satchel becomes a common magic item, allowing you to magically send and receive documents to and from head office through a special pouch, your documancy satchel magically produces prewritten and signature-ready contracts at your request, covering most common contractual needs, it also occasionally produces sticky notes printed with useful information and inspirational quotes from head office
fluent in boss
also at rank 2, your documancer training allows you to better process head office communications, as well as to understand what pleases your superiors, you can cast the augury spell, with the spell’s omens of weal or woe based solely on the perspective of head office. (it should be noted that head office at times has a surprisingly high disregard for potential woe to its employees), once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until dawn seven days later
satchel of holding
at rank 3, your documancy satchel gains additional features and becomes an uncommon magic item, one of the satchel’s pouches now functions as a bag of holding, additionally, you can use an action to draw forth from the documancy satchel a spell scroll of comprehend languages, the scroll vanishes when used, or ten minutes after it appears, this property of the bag can’t be used again until the next dawn
document flexibility
Also at rank 3, you gain proficiency with a forgery kit, one such kit (containing several different types of ink, a variety of parchments and papers, several quills, seals and sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and small tools to sculpt melted wax to mimic a seal) is always contained within the extradimensional space of your documancy satchel
scroll humidor
at rank 4, your documancy satchel gains additional power and becomes a rare magic item, within the satchel, a dedicated extradimensional space can hold up to thirty documents or spell scrolls, placing a single document into the scroll humidor is an action, drawing forth a desired scroll is a bonus action
scroll service
also at rank 4, you can use an action to request one spell scroll containing a spell of up to 3rd level from head office, if you succeed on a dc 15 intelligence (arcana) check, the scroll instantly appears within your documancy satchel, only you can use this scroll, the scroll vanishes when used, or ten minutes after it has been summoned, after a successful use, this property of the satchel can’t be used again until dawn seven days later, if you failed the check, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn
the hoardsperson
proficiencies and starting equipment
as a rank 0 hoardsperson, you gain proficiency with jeweler’s tools, and head office also grants you the use of jeweler’s tools, as well as the following equipment: barrel, basket, block and tackle, bucket, chest, flask or tankard, jug or pitcher, iron pot, pouch, sack, saddlebags, vial, and waterskin
what a deal
also at rank 1, you can use your extensive supply network to buy one item found on any table in the “mounts and vehicles” or “trade goods” sections in chapter 5 of the player’s handbook and have it delivered to your franchise headquarters within one day, with a successful dc 15 charisma (persuasion) check, you also negotiate a 40 percent discount on the item.
if you fail the check, you cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest, when you use this feature successfully once, you cannot use it again for six days
living loot satchel
as a rank 2 hoardsperson, you are granted the use of a living loot satchel, which is an uncommon magic item, it functions as a bag of holding and is available in a variety of colors and styles
the living loot satchel is a kind of magical being that safeguards the franchise’s funds and valuables, its innards are connected to a secure coffer within Head Office’s vault, to which the satchel periodically transfers the franchise’s wealth, as an action, you can transfer any amount of your franchise funds back to your satchel with a successful dc 15 dexterity (sleight of hand) check
living the good life
also at rank 2, head office trusts that as long as your needs are met, you have no reason to skim any profits, you maintain a wealthy lifestyle at no cost to you or reduce your lifestyle costs by that amount
secret satchel
as a rank 3 hoardsperson, your living loot satchel gets an upgrade to function as the replica chest used for the leomund’s secret chest spell, becoming a rare magic item. You can open the secret chest through your living loot satchel to deposit or withdraw items — even items that wouldn’t normally fit in your satchel, but which fit within the chest, thanks to Head Office striking deals you don’t want to know about with extraplanar creatures you really don’t want to know about, there is no chance for the spell to end
that thing you need
at rank 3, you can use a bonus action to reach into your living loot satchel and make a dc 15 dexterity (sleight of hand) check, on a success, you draw forth an item of your choice on the adventuring gear table in chapter 5 of the player’s handbook, the item must be of a size that can fit into your secret chest and be worth no more than 15 gp, once you attempt to draw five items from your satchel, you cannot draw forth any more items until the next dawn, your franchise will be billed for the items at twice their value
portable hole satchel
at rank 4, your living loot satchel receives another upgrade, becoming a very rare magic item, the secret chest accessed by your satchel now has the storage capacity of a portable hole — 6 feet in diameter and 10 feet deep, as before, you can place any appropriately sized object into the portable-hole-sized chest, even if it wouldn’t normally fit into your satchel
that expensive thing you need
also at rank 4, when you use your that thing you need feature, you can requisition any item of up to 250 gp in value, as long as it would fit into the confines of your satchel’s portable hole
the loremonger
proficiencies and starting equipment
as a rank 0 loremonger, you gain one of the following proficiencies of your choice: artisan’s tools (choose type), navigator’s tools, vehicles (land), or vehicles (water/air),
head office also grants you the use of an appropriate tool kit if you chose a tool proficiency, as well as ink and an ink pen
whisper jar
at rank 1, you are the beneficiary of a whisper jar — a common magic item resembling an ether-filled jar with a long tap hose. The jar is used to record others’ stories and your own observations, like a verbal notebook with unlimited space, the whisper jar records as fast as a creature can speak into it, and whispers back words at the same pace they were recorded, activating the playback of a particular recording is an action
need to know
at rank 2, your insight grants you preternatural knowledge of the creatures around you, as an action, select one humanoid you can see and make a dc 15 intelligence (investigation) check, on a success, you learn the following information: the creature’s name, up to three aliases it has used within the past month, its primary profession, and its skill proficiencies, once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, you can use this feature only once on any creature
whispered encyclopedia
at rank 2, your whisper jar becomes an uncommon magic item that can tap into the broader lore of your corporation, as a bonus action, you ask the jar for information on a specific subject and make a dc 15 intelligence (history) check, on a success, the jar plays back a recording on that subject, made somewhere, sometime by another of your corporation’s loremonger, this property of the whisper jar can’t be used again until the next dawn
construction permits
at rank 3, your knowledge of best practices for improving a franchise results in a 20 percent reduction in your franchise’s monthly costs (see “franchise costs”, and “franchise tasks and downtime” later)
in addition, choose one room in your franchise headquarters that belongs to you alone, that room gains one cosmetic feature, and the headquarters as a whole gains one secret feature over and above those gained normally through franchise advancement, see “headquarters features” earlier for more information
whispered warnings
at rank 3, your whisper jar gains additional power and becomes a rare magic item, as an action, you can cause the jar to function as a wand of enemy detection, whereupon it whispers the direction to foes within range, this property of the whisper jar can’t be used again until the next dawn
efficient upgrades
at rank 4, your knowledge of franchise lore and development yields further dividends, your franchise headquarters gains one weapon feature and one cosmetic feature over and above those gained normally through franchise advancement, see “headquarters features” earlier in this chapter
whispered arcana
Also at rank 4, your whisper jar gains access to even more magic. By whispering the name of one of the following spells into the jar as an action, you can cast that spell from the jar: detect evil and good, detect magic, detect poison and disease, find traps, identify, or locate animals or plants. This property of the whisper jar can’t be used again until the next dawn
the obviator
proficiencies and starting equipment
as a rank 0 obviator, you gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies and head office also grants you the use of alchemist’s supplies, a vial of acid, a flask of alchemist’s fire, a vial of antitoxin; and a hunting trap
read the opposition
at rank 1, you can attempt to get a reading on one creature you can see, trying to learn useful information about it, as a bonus action, make a dc 15 wisdom (insight) check, on a success, you learn three details of your choice about the creature, once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, you can use this feature only once on any creature
possible details you might learn include the creature’s goals or motivation, bonds or ideals, personality traits, flaws, combat strategy (including common attack methods or tactics), financial information, lair location, allies or foes, romantic entanglements, sense of humor, or favorite songs
alchemist’s insight
at rank 2, you can use an action to use your alchemist’s supplies to identify any unknown substance (including alchemical items, potions, and other magical substances), once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest
obviator’s lenses
also at rank 2, you gain the use of an uncommon magic item taking the form of a pair of spectacles, a spyglass, a monocle, or any other device with one or two lenses, when you look through the obviator’s lenses, you use a bonus action to make them function as eyes of minute seeing or eyes of the eagle, once you make this choice, it cannot be changed until the next dawn
advanced preparations
at rank 3, you gain the ability to declare that you’re totally prepared, this preparedness takes the from of asking yourself one question, then making a dc 15 intelligence (history) check, on a success, you recall information you could have uncovered through earlier research about your mission, the information can be a discreet revelation, a vague hint, or even a riddle, once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest
travel alchemical kit
also at rank 3, head office provides you with a travel alchemical kit — an uncommon magic item containing miniaturized versions of both alchemist’s supplies and a poisoner’s kit (glass vials, a mortar and pestle, chemicals, and a glass stirring rod), you gain proficiency with a poisoner’s kit as part of this upgrade, you can use this magical kit as long as it is on your person, with no need to draw or stow it, if you are ever searched, finding your travel alchemical kit requires a successful dc 20 intelligence (investigation) or wisdom (insight) check
enhanced lenses
at rank 4, your obviator’s lenses gain additional power and become a rare magic item, the lenses now function as both eyes of the eagle and eyes of minute seeing, additionally, you can focus the power of the lenses to gain accuracy in combat, gaining advantage on a weapon attack roll (no action required). If that attack hits, roll one additional weapon damage die, this property of the lenses can’t be used again until the next dawn
obviate the opposition
also at rank 4, when you use your read the opposition feature and fail the check, you still learn one detail about the target creature, as chosen by the dm, additionally, you can use read the opposition more than once on the same creature, but if you do so, you cannot use that feature again on the same creature until you finish a long rest
the occultant
proficiencies and starting equipment
as a rank 0 occultant, you gain proficiency with one of the following of your choice: cook’s utensils, leatherworker’s tools, or weaver’s tools, head office also grants you the use of a tool kit for your chosen proficiency, a merchant’s scale, five pouches, and a unique item known as an occultant abacus whose beads resemble tiny skulls
read the kill
at rank 1, your occultant abacus not only tracks your franchise’s kills, it helps you determine the impact of those kills on the franchise’s fate, over a period of 1 minute, you can study a creature killed by someone in your franchise within the last 24 hours, then grant the character who slew it a d10, once within the next hour, that character can add the d10 to an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, if it’s not clear who administered the killing blow, you grant this benefit to a creature involved in the fight, once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest
eldritch occultant
at rank 2, your occultant abacus becomes an uncommon magic item that can track lives both eliminated and saved, while holding your occultant abacus within 5 feet of a creature killed within the past 24 hours, you can cast the augury spell, the course of action you inquire about with the spell does not need to have any connection to the dead creature, this property of the occultant abacus can’t be used again until the next dawn
bring out your dead
also at rank 2, you regain the use of your read the kill feature after you finish a short or long rest
bead of instant karma
at rank 3, one of the beads on your occultant abacus channels the power of instant karma, turning the occultant abacus into a rare magic item, as a reaction, you can target one creature you can see that is about to attempt an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, either granting advantage or imposing disadvantage on the roll, the bead crumbles to dust when used, reappearing on your occultant abacus at the next dawn
death’s omen
also at rank 3, you gain the ability to read the grim portents of a creature’s demise, as a bonus action, choose a creature you can see that is below its hit point maximum and make a dc 15 wisdom (insight) check, on a success, you determine whether this creature’s immediate death would have neutral, negative, or positive ramifications for you and your franchise, if the ramifications are different for you and the franchise, you learn this as well
bead of diverted karma
at rank 4, one of the beads on your occultant abacus allows you to divert karma to where it’s needed, turning the occultant abacus into a very rare magic item, while the bead is unused, you know automatically when any creature you can see is about to make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw with disadvantage, when such a roll is made, you can use a reaction to grant a d10 to a different creature you can see, that creature can add the d10 to any ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes within the next minute, the bead crumbles to dust when used, reappearing on your occultant abacus at the next dawn
correct the balance
as a rank 4 occultant, you learn that sometimes the death of a creature has unintended consequences, within seven days of a creature’s death, you can use your occultant abacus to divine ways to reverse or mitigate events resulting from that death, as an action, make a dc 15 intelligence (religion) check, on a success, you learn the relevant information based on the nature of the creature and its place in the world, if you fail the check, this property of the occultant abacus can’t be used again until the next dawn, if you succeed on the check, this property can’t be used again until dawn seven days later
the secretarian
proficiencies and starting equipment
as a rank 0 secretarian, you gain proficiency with one of the following of your choice: gaming set, musical instrument, or disguise kit, head office also grants you the use of a tool kit for your chosen proficiency and a set of fine clothes
sending stone
also at rank 1, you are given use of a sending stone, an uncommon magic item that resembles a gemstone in a bold setting, it functions like a normal sending stone, except that it has no matching stone and allows communication with head office, specific secretarians you know, and the secretarian nearest your location, you must succeed on a dc 15 intelligence (arcana) check to establish contact, once the stone is successfully used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn, making contact with another secretarian assumes that they are in possession of their own sending stone.
portfolio keeper
at rank 2, you gain the use of a weathered leather pouch that is an uncommon magic item, the portfolio keeper holds and organizes notes, brochures, and business cards bearing your contact information, it also has an inexhaustible supply of brochures related to your franchise’s current branding scheme, when you meet someone for the first time, their details and a rough sketch are magically stored on a small parchment card in the portfolio keeper, you can access the details of any such stored card as a bonus action
rumor mill
also at rank 2, whenever your franchise begins a major quest or mission, make a dc 15 intelligence (history) check, in a success, you can learn up to three rumors related to creatures or organizations involved in the mission, which come to you through your sending stone, these rumors reflect current or historical knowledge possessed by your corporation or the organization’s many contacts
cards of sending
at rank 3, the power of your portfolio keeper becomes more potent, making it a rare magic item, when you give out a business card stored in your portfolio keeper, you can choose to have the card allow its recipient to contact you through your sending stone as if they had cast a sending spell, a business card loses this power seven days after it has been given out, and no more than five cards can have this power at one time, you can also use your sending stone to cast sending and contact anyone who has one of your business cards, once you use this feature of the stone, you cannot use it again until dawn seven days later
improved rumor mill
at rank 3, when you use your rumor mill feature, the dm provides you with a sense of which parts of a particular rumor are inaccurate, if any, you do not necessarily learn the truth behind those false rumors
always hiring
at rank 4, you have little trouble finding the right people for the job, as an action, while in a populated area, you can make a dc 15 charisma (persuasion) check to locate an NPC who can provide a service immediately, no questions asked, for the standard fee (see “services” in chapter 5 of the player’s handbook), on a successful check, information regarding the potential hire comes to you as supernatural insight, word of mouth, an advertisement blowing into your face, or a similarly convenient method, once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest, hirelings acquired through this feature are in addition to any franchise staff, they can be invited to bolster existing staff or fill a sudden need, but they are not part of the baseline staff gained through a franchise’s rank, their pay is not covered by the franchise’s normal costs
charming introduction
at rank 4, you are able to make a focused effort to keep a potential customer’s attention, when you provide a humanoid with a business card from your portfolio keeper, you can cast charm person on them (save dc 15), the spell ends prematurely if the character loses the business card