franchise tasks in the campaign

franchise tasks happen every week and use a d20 plus the franchise modifier of 3+(2x franchise rank)

each of the individual franchisees can be involved in one task each week but must be there the whole workweek

each franchise can be involved in a maximum of 2+rank tasks each week

explore territory


none or a franchise task or a franchise task and a staff member


no franchise task expended: roll a d20

a franchise task expended: roll a d20 adding the franchise skill modifier

a franchise task and a staff member: survival (wisdom)

4 or less

a major threat is discovered


a minor threat is discovered


no discovery of note


a new customer is discovered


an ally or useful monster is discovered


a natural feature is discovered


an expanded benefit is discovered

35 or more

two expanded benefits are discovered

major threat

costs the franchisees an amount equal to 50% of their weekly costs until the threat is resolved

minor threat

costs the franchisees an amount equal to 25% of their weekly costs until the threat is resolved

new customers

earns the franchisees an amount equal to 25% of their expected weekly costs

ally or useful monster

this ally can become a source of lore providing insights into one campaign secret or removing one minor threat

as an expanded benefit the expedition could instead locate a monster that is either willing to help the party or can be tamed

the challenge rating of the monster is typically equal to the average franchisee’s level

providing for the monster’s needs costs 3 gp times its best skill bonus per week

such a monster remains with the franchise as long as its costs are covered and it is treated well

it’s costs are separate from the normal expected weekly expenses

it can be expended to remove a major threat

natural feature

this earns the franchisees an amount equal to 50% of their expected weekly costs

an expended benefit earns 150% of their expected weekly costs

expanded benefit

new customers (1-3), an ally or useful monster (4-5), or a natural feature (6) then increases the benefit of that discovery

franchise restructuring


each franchise restructuring task uses an available franchise task


make three ability checks with a DC of 15 + the franchise's rank

an intelligence (history) then a wisdom (insight) check and finally a charisma (deception, performance, or persuasion) check

0 successes

the restructuring plan is a catastrophic failure, costing the franchise’s 100% of expected weekly expenses

1 success

the restructuring plan is a failure costing the franchise’s 50% of expected weekly expenses

2 successes

the restructuring plan provides strong benefits earning the franchisee’s 50% of expected weekly expenses

3 successes

the restructuring plan provides huge benefits earning the franchise’s 100% of expected weekly expenses

headquarters modification

major headquarters modifications are made as a regular part of franchise advancement (see franchise advancement”)

sometimes it is desirable to update a previous modification in ways that don’t provide any additional mechanical benefits

franchisees and staff members can use this activity to modify an existing headquarters feature

this is typically done within the same feature category, such as swapping one weapon option for another

this will also allow a franchise to swap options between categories, such as losing a weapon option in favor of an arcane option


the franchise must spend three tasks either in any combination over a period one or more weeks

once started the original feature is off line until the modifications are completed


make an intelligence (arcana or history) check, a strength (athletics) and a dexterity check using appropriate tools

the dc is 10 plus 5 times the franchise rank

0 successes

the modification fails and the franchise incurs a cost of one week's expected expenses and the original feature is off line requiring another attempt

1 success

the modification fails and the franchise incurs a costs of one week's expected expenses

2 successes

the modification succeeds and the franchise incurs a cost of one weeks expected expenses

3 successes

the modification succeeds and incurs no cost

marketeering campaign


each marketeering campaign uses an available franchise task


a marketeering effort requires three ability checks, representing drafting the campaign, launching the campaign, and managing its success

each marketeering campaign which must use different skills than have been used in the previous year

roll 2d10 + 5 for the dc generating a separate result for each check

0 successes

the franchisees must perform a philanthropic enterprise next week in order to reestablish good will

1 success

the marketing campaign earns 25% of expected weekly expenses

2 successes

the marketeering campaign earns 50% of expected expenses

3 successes

the marketeering campaign earns 100% of expected weekly expenses

philanthropic enterprise

are most often done to atone for shady business practices or failed marketing campaigns


uses an available franchise task


make a performance (charisma), a persuasion (charisma), and a insight (wisdom) check

the DC of each check is determined randomly, reflecting the risky nature of criminal enterprises

the DM rolls 2d10+5 for each dc

lawful evil, true neutral, and chaotic good, enterprises disadvantage on the first check

true evil and chaotic neutral enterprises have disadvantage on the first two checks

chaotic evil enterprises have disadvantage on all three checks

the DC of each check is determined randomly, reflecting the risky nature of philanthropic enterprises, the DM rolls 2d10 +0 for lawful good, +2 for neutral good or lawful neutral, +5 for lawful evil, neutral neutral, or chaotic good, +5 and disadvantage on one check for chaotic neutral and neutral evil, +5 and disadvantage on two checks for chaotic evil for the dc, generating a separate result for each check, the total number of successes determines the outcome of the activity, as noted on the shady business practice table

0 successes

the philanthropic enterprise cost the franchise 100% of its expected weekly expenses

1 successes

the philanthropic enterprise cost the franchise 50% of its expected weekly expenses

2 successes

the philanthropic enterprise cost the franchise 25% of its expected weekly expenses

3 successes

the philanthropic enterprise costs the franchise 0% of its expected weekly expenses

running a franchise


none or a franchise task or a franchise task and a staff member


no franchise task expended: roll a d20

a franchise task expended: roll a d20 adding the franchise skill modifier

a franchise task and a staff member: persuasion (cha)

o or less

lose 100% of weekly expenses

1 - 4

lose 50% of its expected weekly expenses

5 - 9

lose 25% of its weekly expenses

10 - 14

lose 0% of its weekly expenses

15 - 19

earn 25% of its weekly expenses

20 - 24

earn 50% of its expected weekly expenses

25 - 29

earning 100% of its expected weekly expenses

30 or more

earn 200% of its expected weekly expenses

determining expected weekly cost

a franchise’s base weekly cost is a combination of the cost for the franchise’s headquarters and a multiplier for franchise rank

the fancier the headquarters, the more the upkeep

the bigger the franchise, the more overhead it has

the “franchise advancement” section earlier in this chapter has more information on determining a franchise’s base expected weekly cost

nonpayment penalties

at the end of this activity the franchise makes a payment to head office to cover its weekly costs

if it does not do so, the franchise begins to fail

see the rules for defaulting in the “franchise costs” section


when you need to know about a person, place, or thing, scrutineering is the way to find out


this activity requires one franchise task


intelligence (investigation) check

1- 4

you learn one piece of common lore

5 - 9

you learn two pieces of lore, one common and one uncommon

10 - 14

you learn three pieces of lore, one common, one uncommon, and one rare

15 - 19

you learn four pieces of lore, one common, one uncommon, one rare, and one very rare

20 - 24

you learn five pieces of lore, one common, one uncommon, one rare, one very rare, and one legendary

25 - 29

you learn six pieces of lore, one common, one uncommon, one rare, one very rare, one legendary, and one artifact

30 or more

you learn six pieces of lore, one common, one uncommon, one rare, one very rare, one legendary, and one artifact and something extra

each piece of lore you uncover through scrutineering might cover:

specific details about a creature

how to thwart the defenses of a stronghold or office

the rituals or magic items employed by a mystical order

the nature of a minor threat

the nature of a major threat

the judge makes the final decision regarding what information is revealed by scrutineering.

shady business practices

shady business practices can be costly or very profitable


an intended shady business practice is detailed by the players and approved by the dm


a shady business practice requires three ability checks reflecting the ongoing progress of the chosen scheme

the abilities and skills applicable for each check are determined by the players reflecting the selected scheme and the ongoing narrative

the DC of each check is determined randomly, reflecting the risky nature of criminal enterprises

the DM rolls 2d10+5 for each dc

true evil and chaotic neutral enterprises have disadvantage on the first check

lawful evil, true neutral, and chaotic good enterprises have disadvantage on the first two checks

lawful neutral and true good enterprises have disadvantage on all three checks

lawful good enterprises cannot indulge in shady business practices

0 successes

the franchisees must perform a philanthropic enterprise next week in order to reestablish good will

1 success

earns 100% of the franchise's expected weekly expenses

2 successes

earns 200% of the franchise’s expected weekly expenses

3 successes

earns 400% of the franchise’s expected weekly expenses


schmoozing covers interactions with a threat in an attempt to resolve the issue peacefully


one task and a week's expected expenses


make an intimidation (charisma) a persuasion (charisma) and a insight (wisdom) check

the dc of each check is 2d10 + 5 for the dc and a major threat causes disadvantage on the intimidation check

generate a separate dc result for each check

the total number of successes determines the outcome of the activity, as noted below

0 successes

adds an additional major threat

1 success

increases a minor threat to a major threat or adds a minor threat to a major threat

2 successes

ends a minor threat, reduces a major threat to a minor threat

3 successes

ends a major threat or two minor threats

team building

team building helps prepare for the challenges ahead


one or more weekly tasks


each team building task allows the franchise to roll one d20 with advantage on a task next week

for each franchisee that completes a team building task gains an extraordinary ability that can be used once as a bonus action

the character gains one effect of the enhance ability spell for 10 minutes

a character can retain this team building extraordinary ability only from the most recent instance of this activity

if a character has an unused team building extraordinary ability and undertakes this activity again that extraordinary ability is lost