community sizes

community population

small hermitage 1

hermitage 2 to 3

large hermitage 4 to 7

small steading 8 to 15

steading 16 to 31

large steading 32 to 63

small thorp 64 to 127

thorp 128 to 255

large thorp 256 to 511

small hamlet 512 to 1,023

hamlet 1,024 to 2,047

large hamlet 2,048 to 4,095

small village 4,096 to 8,191

village 8,192 to 16,383

large village 16,384 to 32,785

small town 32,768 to 65,535

town 65,536 to 131,071

large town 131,072 to 262,143

small city 262,144 to 524,287

city 524,288 to 1,048,557

large city 1,048,557 to 2,097,151

small metropolis 2,097,152 to 4,194,303

metropolis 4,194,304 to 8,288,608

large metropolis 8,388,608 to 16,777,215

community maximum lifestyles

hermitage poor

steading modest

thorp comfortable

hamlet wealthy

village noble

town royal

city semi-divine

metropolis divine

this is the maximum lifestyle a traveler can expect to be able to purchase