Everything is Hidden from you.
Charmed by (Creature)
A Charmed Creature becomes an ally of the Creature that Charmed it.
Everything is Silent to you.
Engaged with (Creature)
You attacked a creature with a Strike!.
You can Strike any Creature you are Engaged with on their Turn.
This continues until you Strive! another Creature, or the Creature you Engaged With Withdraws.
You have a -1 on Active Checks while under the influence of the source of your Frightened Condition.
You must pass a Morale Check to approach or Strike the source of your Frightened Condition if you pass the test you lose the Frightened Condition.
Grapple With (Creature)
You have Successfully Grappled a Creature
The Creature you are Grappled With can escape with a Might Check (-1 if Grappled with 2 hands, -2 if Grappled with 4 or more)
A Hidden creature cannot be seen but it can be sensed with other senses.
You can take no actions.
Speed 0
No Concentration
Mentally Dazed
When Mentally Dazed you cannot use your Reaction during another Creature's Turn. Make a Mental Healing (Mind) Check at the start of your Turn, a single Success ends this Condition.
Mentally Dead
When Mentally Dead you are Mentally Unconscious and cannot naturally recover to remove this Condition. The Body can and usually will live on until it succumbs to deprivation.
Mentally Dying
When Mentally Dying you are Unconscious and will usually fall Prone unless held up by something else. Make a Mental Healing (Mind) Check at the end of a Long Rest, a single Success reduces this condition to Mentally Incapacitated, two Successes reduces this Condition to Mentally Stunned, three Successes reduces this Condition to Mentally Staggered, four Successes reduces this condition to Mentally Dazed, and five Successes ends this Condition. Failure is treated as a failed Damage Save, the first failure requires you to make a Mental Trauma Save (ignoring results less than Mentally Dying) with each additional Failure causing one Mental Wound.
Mental Fatigue (Level)
Each level of Mental Fatigue subtracts from your Mental Trauma Save (Mind) and Mental Healing (Mind) Checks. At the end of a Long or Short Rest you can make a Mental Healing (Mind) Check and remove one level of Mental Fatigue per Success.
Mentally Incapacitated
When Mentally Incapacitated you are defenseless, stunned, and will usually fall Prone unless held up by something else. Make a Mental Healing (Mind) Check at the end of a Short Rest (yes you can do enough to eat), a single Success reduces this condition to Mentally Stunned, two Successes reduces this Condition to Mentally Staggered, three Successes reduces this Condition to Mentally Dazed, four Successes ends this Condition.
Mentally Staggered
When Mentally Staggered you cannot use your free Move or use your Reaction during another Creature's Turn. Make a Mental Healing (Mind) Check at the start of your Turn, a single Success reduces this condition to Mentally Dazed, two Successes ends this Condition.
Mentally Stunned
When Mentally Stunned you cannot use your free Move or use your Reaction during another Creature's Turn. Make a Mental Healing (Mind) Check at the start of your Turn, a single Success reduces this condition to Mentally Staggered, two Successes reduces this Condition to Mentally Dazed, three Successes ends this Condition.
Mentally Unconscious
When Mentally Unconscious you are defenseless, stunned, unaware, and will usually fall Prone unless held up by something else. Make a Mental Healing (Mind) Check at the end of a Long Rest, a single Success reduces this condition to Mentally Incapacitated, two Successes reduces this Condition to Mentally Stunned, three Successes reduces this Condition to Mentally Staggered, four Successes reduces this condition to Mentally Dazed, and five Successes ends this Condition.
Mental Wound (Level)
Each level of Mental Wound subtracts from your Mental Trauma Save (Mind) and Mental Healing (Mind) Checks. At the end of a Long Rest you can make a Mental Healing (Mind) Check and remove one level of Mental Wound and Mental Fatigue per Success.
-1 Might and Quickness Saving Throws
+1 physical attacks against you
+1 physical Damage on you
turned inanimate substance
Resistance to all damage
Immunity to the Poisoned Condition, Poison and Psychic
Physically Dazed
When Physically Dazed you cannot use your Reaction during another Creature's Turn. Make a Physical Healing (Body) Check at the start of your Turn, a single Success ends this Condition.
Physically Dead
When Physically Dead you are Physically Unconscious and cannot naturally recover to remove this Condition. The Spirit lives on but leaves the now Dead body.
Physically Dying
When Physically Dying you are Unconscious and will usually fall Prone unless held up by something else. Make a Physical Healing (Body) Check at the end of a Long Rest, a single Success reduces this condition to Physically Unconscious, two Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Incapacitated, three Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Knocked Out, four Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Stunned, five Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Staggered, six Successes reduces this condition to Physically Dazed, and six Successes ends this Condition. Failure is treated as a failed Damage Save, the first failure requires you to make a Physical Trauma Save (ignoring results less than Physically Dying) with each additional Failure causing one Physical Wound.
Physical Fatigue (Level)
Each level of Physical Fatigue subtracts from your Physical Trauma Save (Body) and Physical Healing (Body) Checks. At the end of a Long or Short Rest you can make a Physical Healing (Body) Check and remove one level of Physical Fatigue per Success.
Physically Incapacitated
When Physically Incapacitated you are defenseless, stunned, and will usually fall Prone unless held up by something else. Make a Physical Healing (Body) Check at the end of a Short Rest (yes you can do enough to eat), a single Success reduces this condition to Physically Knocked Out, two Successes reduces this to Physically Stunned, three Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Staggered, four Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Dazed, five Successes ends this Condition.
Physically Knocked-Out
When Physically Knocked-Out you are defenseless, stunned, and will usually fall Prone (1-3 0n a d6) unless held up by something else. Make a Physical Healing (Body) Check at the end of a Quick Rest, a single Success reduces this condition to Physically Stunned, two Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Staggered, three Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Dazed, four Successes ends this Condition.
Physically Staggered
When Physically Staggered you cannot use your free Move or use your Reaction during another Creature's Turn. Make a Physical Healing (Body) Check at the start of your Turn, a single Success reduces this condition to Physically Dazed, two Successes ends this Condition.
Physically Stunned
When Physically Stunned you cannot use your free Move or use your Reaction during another Creature's Turn. Make a Physical Healing (Body) Check at the start of your Turn, a single Success reduces this condition to Physically Staggered, two Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Dazed, three Successes ends this Condition.
Physically Unconscious
When Physically Unconscious you are defenseless, stunned, unaware, and will fall Prone unless held up by something else. Make a Physical Healing (Body) Check at the end of a Long Rest, a single Success reduces this condition to Physically Incapacitated, two Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Knocked Out, three Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Stunned, four Successes reduces this Condition to Physically Staggered, five Successes reduces this condition to Physically Dazed, and six Successes ends this Condition.
Physical Wound (Level)
Each level of Physical Wound subtracts from your Physical Trauma Save (Body) and Physical Healing (Body) Checks. At the end of a Long Rest you can make a Physical Healing (Body) Check and remove one level of Physical Wound and Physical Fatigue per Success.
Disadvantage on attack and ability checks
move to stand
-1 on Dodge, +1 on Duck
0 Speed
-1 Might and Quickness Saving Throws
-1 on Dodge and Duck
Spiritually Dazed
When Spiritually Dazed you cannot use your Reaction during another Creature's Turn. Make a Spiritual Healing (Mind) Check at the start of your Turn, a single Success ends this Condition.
Spiritually Dead
When Spiritually Dead you are Spiritually Unconscious and cannot naturally recover to remove this Condition. A Spirit Dead creature is usually possessed immediately.
Spiritually Dying
When Spiritually Dying you are Unconscious and will usually fall Prone unless held up by something else. Make a Spiritual Healing (Mind) Check at the end of a Long Rest, a single Success reduces this condition to Spiritually Incapacitated, two Successes reduces this Condition to Spiritually Stunned, three Successes reduces this Condition to Spiritually Staggered, four Successes reduces this condition to Spiritually Dazed, and five Successes ends this Condition. Failure is treated as a failed Damage Save, the first failure requires you to make a Spiritual Trauma Save (ignoring results less than Spiritually Dying) with each additional Failure causing one Spiritual Wound.
Spiritual Fatigue
Each level of Spiritual Fatigue subtracts from your Spiritual Trauma Save (Mind) and Spiritual Healing (Mind) Checks. At the end of a Long or Short Rest you can make a Spiritual Healing (Mind) Check and remove one level of Spiritual Fatigue per Success.
Spiritually Incapacitated
When Spiritually Incapacitated you are defenseless, stunned, and will usually fall Prone unless held up by something else. Make a Spiritual Healing (Mind) Check at the end of a Short Rest (yes you can do enough to eat), a single Success reduces this condition to Spiritually Stunned, two Successes reduces this Condition to Spiritually Staggered, three Successes reduces this Condition to Spiritually Dazed, four Successes ends this Condition.
Spiritually Staggered
When Spiritually Staggered you cannot use your free Move or use your Reaction during another Creature's Turn. Make a Spiritual Healing (Mind) Check at the start of your Turn, a single Success reduces this condition to Spiritually Dazed, two Successes ends this Condition.
Spiritually Stunned
When Spiritually Stunned you cannot use your free Move or use your Reaction during another Creature's Turn. Make a Spiritual Healing (Mind) Check at the start of your Turn, a single Success reduces this condition to Spiritually Staggered, two Successes reduces this Condition to Spiritually Dazed, three Successes ends this Condition.
Spiritually Unconscious
When Spiritually Unconscious you are defenseless, stunned, unaware, and will usually fall Prone unless held up by something else. Make a Spiritual Healing (Mind) Check at the end of a Long Rest, a single Success reduces this condition to Spiritually Incapacitated, two Successes reduces this Condition to Spiritually Stunned, three Successes reduces this Condition to Spiritually Staggered, four Successes reduces this condition to Spiritually Dazed, and five Successes ends this Condition.
Spiritual Wound
Each level of Spiritual Wound subtracts from your Spiritual Trauma Save (Mind) and Spiritual Healing (Mind) Checks. At the end of a Long Rest you can make a Spiritual Healing (Mind) Check and remove one level of Spiritual Wound and Spiritual Fatigue per Success.
Cannot Act
-1 Dodge and Duck
You have a -2 on Active Checks while under the influence of the source of your Frightened Condition.
You must pass a Morale Check or Flee! the source of your Frightened Condition if you pass the Check you become just Frightened.