Attack Powers
All Attack Powers use the following Format.
(Direct/Indirect) (Strike/Shoot/Spell) (Physical/Mental/Spiritual) (Damage/Virulence/Condition) (Characteristic) (Creature/Power/C+P)
This format tries to answer the following question:
Is it a (Direct/Indirect) (Strike/Shoot/Spell) doing (Physical/Mental/Spiritual) (Damage/Virulence) using the (Characteristic), from either the Creature or the Attack Power.
When designing an Attack Power be sure to pick all six things for it.
Direct +0
Direct Attack Powers do either Physical, Mental, or Spiritual Damage. One Success causes the Damage, Extra Successes on a Direct Attack Check add to the Damage.
Indirect +0
Indirect Attack Powers do either Physical, Mental, or Spiritual Virulence. Indirect Attacks must score more Successes than the Target's Armor to do the Virulence.
Strike +0
Strike is a close attack using Strike (Quickness) minus the target's Dodge (Quickness).
Shoot +1
Shoot is a ranged attack using Shoot (Wits) minus the target's Duck (Wits).
Spell +2
Spell is a line of sight attack with no range modifiers using Spell (Influence) minus the target's Dispel (Influence)
Physical +0
Physical means the Attack will do Physical harm. All useable Characteristics can do Physical harm.
Mental +1
Mental means the Attack will do Mental harm. Only Mental and Spiritual Characteristics can do Mental harm.
Spiritual +2
Spiritual means the Attack will do Spiritual harm. Only Spiritual Characteristics can do Mental harm.
Damage +0
Damage allows a Damage Save to reduce the effects. Armor adds to Damage Saves. Damage represents things like blows.
Virulence +1
Virulence allows a Virulence Save. Armor does not add to Virulence Saves. Virulence represents thing like poison and disease.
Condition +varies
Condition allows a Damage or Virulence Save depending on the Attack Type. Armor does not add to Virulence Saves. Conditions represent things like sleep and confusion.
Might +0
Might can be used to do Physical Damage only.
Vigor +0
Vigor can be used to do Physical Virulence only.
Knowledge +1
Knowledge can be used to do Physical and Mental Damage only.
Mind +1
Mind can be used to do Physical and Mental Virulence only.
Aura +2
Aura can be used to do Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Damage.
Soul +2
Soul can be used to do Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Virulence.
Creature +0
The Attack Power uses the Creature's Characteristic.
Power +0
The Attack Power uses its own Characteristic bought when the Attack Power is bought. The Characteristic starts at 0 and costs 1/4 per level.
C+P +0
The Attack Power uses its own and the Creature's Characteristic and is shown as Creature's Characteristic Plus the Pawer's Characteristic
Combined Damage/Virulence Power +1
A Combined Damage/Virulence Power is a Direct Damage Power that if it hits and the target fails its Armor Saving Throw, it then causes the target to also suffer the effects of the Virulence Attack.
You must first pay for the Damage Attack and then pay for the Virulence Type and the Trait used for the Virulence. This adds +1 to the Power’s Cost.
A Combined Damage/Virulence Power cannot be “Always On”.
Combined Virulence/Damage Power +2
A Combined Virulence/Damage Power is an Indirect Damage Power that if it hits and the target fails its Virulence Saving Throw the power then causes the target to also suffer the effects of the Damage Attack without the benefit of its Armor on its Armor Saving Throw.
You must first pay for the Virulence Attack and then pay for the Damage Type and the Trait used for the Damage. This adds +2 to the Power’s Cost.
A Combined Virulence/Damage Power cannot be “Always On”.
Damage Powers
Physical Damage Attack Powers
Direct Strike (+0), Physical Damage (+0), Might (+0), Creature (+0): +0
A Direct Strike causing Physical Damage (Might) based on the Creature.
Direct Strike (+0), Physical Damage (+0), Knowledge(+1), Creature (+0): +1
A Direct Strike causing Physical Damage (Knowledge) of the Creature.
Direct Strike (+0), Physical Damage (+0), Aura (+2), Creature (+0): +2
A Direct Strike causing Physical Damage (Aura) based on the Creature.
Direct Shoot (+1), Physical Damage (+0), Might (+0), Creature (+0): +1
A Direct Shoot causing Physical Damage (Might) based on the Creature.
Direct Shoot (+1), Physical Damage (+0), Knowledge (+1), Creature (+0): +2
A Direct Shoot causing Physical Damage (Knowledge) based on the Creature.
Direct Shoot (+1), Physical Damage (+0), Aura (+2), Creature (+0): +3
A Direct Shoot causing Physical Damage (Aura) based on the Creature.
Direct Spell (+2), Physical Damage (+0), Might (0), Creature (+0): +2
A Direct Spell causing Physical Damage (Might) based on the Creature.
Direct Spell (+2), Physical Damage (+0), Knowledge (+1), Creature (+0): +3
A Direct Spell causing Physical Damage (Knowledge) based on the Creature.
Direct Spell (+2), Physical Damage(+0), Aura (+2), Creature (+0): +4
A Direct Spell causing Physical Damage (Aura) based on the Creature.
Mental Damage Attack Powers
Direct Strike (+0), Mental Damage (+1), Knowledge (+1), Creature (+0): +2
A Direct Strike causing Mental Damage (Knowledge) based on the Creature.
Direct Strike (+0), Mental Damage (+1), Aura (+2), Creature (+0): +3
A Direct Strike causing Mental Damage (Aura) based on the Creature.
Direct Shoot (+1), Mental Damage (+1), Knowledge (+1), Creature (+0): +3
A Direct Shoot causing Mental Damage (Knowledge) based on the Creature.
Direct Shoot (+1), Mental Damage (+1), Aura (+2), Creature (+0): +4
A Direct Shoot causing Mental Damage (Aura) based based on the Creature.
Direct Spell (+2), Mental Damage (+1), Knowledge (+1), Creature (+0): +4
A Direct Spell causing Mental Damage (Knowledge) based on the Creature.
Direct Spell (+2), Mental (+1), Aura Damage (+2), +5
A Direct Spell causing Physical Damage (Aure based on the Creature.
Spiritual Damage Powers
Direct Strike (+0), Spiritual Damage (+2), Aura (+2), Creature (+0): +4
A Direct Strike causing Spiritual Damage (Aura) based on the Creature.
Direct Shoot (+1), Spiritual Damage (+2), Aura (+2), Creature (+0): +5
A Direct Shoot causing Spiritual Damage (Aura) based on the Creature.
Direct Spell (+2), Spiritual (+2), Aura Damage (+2), +6
A Direct Spell causing Spiritual Damage (Knowledge) based on the Creature.
Virulence Powers
Physical Virulence Attacks
Indirect Strike (+0), Physical Virulence (+1), Vigor (+0), Creature (+0): +1
An Indirect Strike causing Physical Virulence (Vigor) based on the Creature.
Indirect Strike (+0), Physical Virulence (+1), Mind(+1), Creature (+0): +2
An Indirect Strike causing Physical Virulence (Mind) based on the Creature.
Indirect Strike (+0), Physical Virulence (+1), Soul (+2), Creature (+0): +3
An Indirect Strike causing Physical Virulence (Soul) based on the Creature.
Indirect Shoot (+1), Physical Virulence (+1), Vigor (+0), Creature (+0): +2
An Indirect Shoot causing Physical Virulence (Vigor) based on the Creature.
Indirect Shoot (+1), Physical Virulence (+1), Mind (+1), Creature (+0): +3
An Indirect Shoot causing Physical Virulence (Mind) based on the Creature.
Direct Shoot (+1), Physical Virulence (+1), Soul (+2), Creature (+0): +4
An Indirect Shoot causing Physical Virulence (Soul) based on the Creature.
Indirect Spell (+2), Physical Virulence (+1), Vigor (0), Creature (+0): +3
An Indirect Spell causing Physical Virulence (Vigor) based on the Creature.
Indirect Spell (+2), Physical Virulence (+1), Mind (+1), Creature (+0): +4
An Indirect Spell causing Physical Virulence (Mind) based on the Creature.
Indirect Spell (+2), Physical Virulence (+1), Soul (+2), Creature (+0): +5
An Indirect Spell causing Physical Virulence (Soul) based on the Creature.
Mental Virulence Attack Powers
Indirect Strike (+0), Mental Virulence (+2), Mind (+1), Creature (+0): +3
An Indirect Strike causing Mental Virulence (Mind) based on the Creature.
Indirect Strike (+0), Mental Damage (+2), Soul (+2), Creature (+0): +4
An Indirect Strike causing Mental Virulence (Soul) of the Creature.
Indirect Shoot (+1), Mental Virulence (+2), Mind (+1), Creature (+0): +4
An Indirect Shoot causing Mental Virulence (Mind) based on the Creature.
Indirect Shoot (+1), Mental Virulence (+2), Soul (+2), Creature (+0): +5
An Indirect Shoot causing Mental Virulence (Aura) based on the Creature.
Indirect Spell (+2), Mental Virulence (+2), Mind (+1), Creature (+0): +5
An Indirect Spell causing Mental Virulence (Mind) based on the Creature.
Indirect Spell (+2), Mental Virulence (+2), Soul Damage (+2), +6
An Indirect Spell causing Mental Virulence (Soul) based on the Creature.
Spiritual Virulence Powers
Direct Strike (+0), Spiritual Virulence (+3), Soul (+2), Creature (+0): +5
A Direct Strike causing Spiritual Virulence (Soul) based on the Creature.
Direct Shoot (+1), Spiritual Virulence (+3), Soul (+2), Creature (+0): +6
A Direct Shoot causing Spiritual Virulence (Soul) based on the Creature.
Direct Spell (+2), Spiritual Virulence (+3), Soul (+2), Creature (0): +7
A Direct Spell causing Spiritual Virulence (Soul) based on the Creature.