Challenge Dice
Challenge Rating
Challenge Opposition
Challenge Dice
Challenge Dice are rolled only when Dice are rolled in a Challenge .
Challenge Dice are a standard d6.
Challenge Dice are notated with a dC.
Challenge Dice can be rolled in groups with the number to be rolled listed first so a 3 Challenge dice roll would be 3dC.
Challenge Dice can be rolled with Adds with the Adds being listed last after a "+", so a 3 Challenge dice roll with 2 adds roll would be 3dC+2.
When rolling Challenge Dice remove all dice with a result of 1 or 2, then add together the remaining dice results along with the adds.
Challenge (Rating)
Challenge (Ratings) are used to determine hoe many Challenge Dice are rolled.
Challenge (Rating) divided by 3 is the number of Challenge Dice rolled with the remainder, if any, becoming Adds.
Challenge Opposition
Challenge Opposition is the number you must roll higher that to Overcome to succeed the at Challenge.
Opposition Challenger come in two forms, there is Dynamic Opposition or Static Opposition.
Static Opposition is represented by a number that the Creature must roll higher than in order to Overcome the Challenge. Static Opposition represent things that are always the same like recalling a piece of knowledge, or reciting a sonnet.
Dynamic Opposition is represented by a dice roll that is either listed or determined from a Challenge (Rating). Dynamic Opposition represents things that always changing, like combat or magic.